Big Tech teams up with White House to battle Covid-19 – and spy on us all


Governments and scientists alike agree that ‘tracking’ is a key strategy for containing the coronavirus. It is now clear they intend to do so using technology like smartphones, a move that raises concerns about privacy, however.

Both US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence made sure to mention the ‘Covid-19 Screening Tool’ app developed by Apple at their daily press briefing on Friday. According to the White House, the app “guides users through questions about symptoms and exposure,” using guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “to help determine steps they should take, including testing.”

Read the rest here:

6 thoughts on “Big Tech teams up with White House to battle Covid-19 – and spy on us all

  1. Imagine someone actually putting this is print:

    “Help build a national database of people who do, and do not, have CoVid-19 symptoms. Volunteers from Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet worked nonstop for a week to create the site. Data will be shared only with public-health officials.”

    Why not just call it “CULTIVATING SPIES FOR COMMUNISM?!!”

    But worse that this soliciting are those who will cooperate: The snitches. But snitch is too mild a word. TRAITORS works much better.


    Tornado Arkansas…hmm.
    Click on the disaster icon on the map.
    Click on more details.
    Scroll down in the details….
    Open Location Code: 867FR7RW+W7 Jump here
    and select Jump here.
    now you can see just how commerce etc….is affected.
    all the businesses etc.
    We do have access to a lot of the same information that the others do.
    I really feel passing on information like this really has no value and I’m preaching to the choir.
    But sometimes you have to be repetitious……
    These are tools.
    I’m really getting burned out on the Virus Shit.
    and as always……
    It’s free.

    1. flee, I’m thinking that plus codes link is sorta creepy. If you find “your code” could you not be giving the enemy your location? Not that they don’t perhaps already know, but actually doing it personally, willing seems weird. Similar to the genealogy sites one sends some DNA into. Would a person find their code to monitor what’s going on around them? Any info you can provide would be appreciated. And just remember the likes of Walmart has us held hostage. What a thought!!

  3. I’m just passing on information ….. information resources.
    It’s up to you to find your own truth and discernment and what works for you in your environment.
    If people don’t see any value or merit in the information I post.
    Then I’ll stop…..
    Because when it comes down to it …
    Your really on your own…..
    No one else is going to save you.

    1. Keep posting, Flee. I am not intelligent enough to take in and retain all the details of what everybody posts here but I appreciate it being here, for what I AM able to take in. You are trusted and respected. And this quote comes to mind:

      “You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”
      — William Faulkner

      Thanks for sometimes pushin’ me out into the open ocean.



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