Boston Suburb Attempts To Limit Gun Stores With New Zoning Proposal

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It comes as no surprise the Second Amendment is under attack in a neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts, one of the most anti-gun states in the country.

Members of the Select Board in Brookline, Massachusetts, are proposing zoning limits for gun stores, according to the Patch

Under the new zoning proposal submitted by town board members Petra Bignami, Janice Kahn, Alexandra Metral, and Sharon Schoffman, gun stores would only be allowed to operate by special permit. It also states buffer zones will be around residential properties, private and public K-12 schools, and childcare facilities, which would block firearm businesses from operating within a certain distance.

The proposal came after the City of Newton, one town over, approved new zoning rules for gun stores in June that restricted them to three locations. This action was in response to a new gun store attempting to open.

“When the issue of the gun store going into Newton, that got everybody’s attention I think about potentially a flaw in the towns land use that might allow gun stores in places we don’t want, and so I asked the planning department to begin to work on that,” Brookline’s Town Administrator Melvin Kleckner said at a Select Board meeting last month. 

Kleckner said the proposal is a good idea and is “essentially the Newton model.”

Responding to this liberal madness is The Machine Gun Nest (TMGN), who said:

“Not surprising that the proposal is coming from Massachusetts, one of the most anti-gun states in the country. The irony is that the same people who claim to be for personal freedom and free expression push laws that stifle commerce and limit free choice. The simple fact is that zoning gun shops out of participation in the local economy will do absolutely nothing to stop gun violence and will only make it harder for law-abiding citizens to access their 2nd amendment rights and defend themselves.”

The Newton model might work in the Northeast, but elsewhere, 1,930 US counties are protected by Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation, and a crackdown on gun stores might be challenging.

2 thoughts on “Boston Suburb Attempts To Limit Gun Stores With New Zoning Proposal

  1. Okay, you live here, and you, go live over there. Now you do business here, and you, go do business over there. The rest, please wait for your assignment and you will be told where to go.

    Concerning more on “where to go”… GO TO HELL, Select Board in Brookline, Massachusetts!! You’ve no authority!!


  2. Just force gun sales under the counter

    And I’m totally fine with that in fact , I support that
    Don’t let them stop what your doing
    Just let them think you stopped doing it their way

    This stupid act from the high end group of liars just pushes this shit underground anyways

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