BREAKING: New “Aerosol COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” has been developed that can infect a host without their consent

3 thoughts on “BREAKING: New “Aerosol COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” has been developed that can infect a host without their consent

  1. Why are there so many jewish-sounding people on Twitter reporting all this stuff? That’s the first question that always comes to my mind.

    Anyway, on the subject of the post… Are people going to draw the line at this? Or are they just going to keep bending over further & taking it deeper until it kills them? Not taking defensive action over a warfare tactic THIS extreme would prove beyond doubt that people are, well… completely & utterly f*cked in every way. No other way to say it really. It’s not like they haven’t been giving out warnings that this was coming for ages now either which in terms of how they really operate means they’ve already been using it for ages.


  2. “Vaccine”. What a way to weaponize a word! Spray crap into our breathing air so we aren’t afraid to breathe because it kills the “virus”, only to create new conditions for that “virus” to “mutate”, making it “necessary” for a new “variant” spray to be sprayed into our breathing air, so that by the time everyone is so sick and tired of being sprayed down, no one will have any “immunity” left! Yale, huh? We KNOW your “variant.” I said it yesterday. BS 24-7. It’s only lethal when the people believe it and do nothing other than breathe it in! Don’t get me started on carbon emissions! How much is THAT gonna cost?! By the way, COVID DOES NOT EXIST!!!

  3. I said it many years ago & I’ll reiterate – one day we’ll be paying for the air we breathe. Well looks like they really want us to pay & pay again – first with our cash for the climate change BS & then with our lives for the (deliberately poisoned) air we breathe! C’mon humans, let’s start taking care of business & start removing ALL of these creatures from the foodchain – and I mean from top to bottom! I reckon once they’re all gone we & the planet will all get on VERY nicely indeed! The way Nature works, if we don’t do this as a force of Nature to restore balance then another indiscriminate Natural force will & there will be no favorites if that happens. Better start soon before the scales tip too far…

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