Thanks to an email tip from a concerned parent, we did a deep dive into the books the Kenosha Unified School District is providing their students. What we found in their libraries and heard from their leaders is truly shocking.
So after sifting through their library, we reached out to the school with our findings:

“This Book Is Gay” teaches students how to have gay sex and how to use a gay sex hookup app to meet up with others. It also includes a guide to sex kinks and fetishes such as peeing on each other and eating poop. It’s available as an Ebook, students just need to login and can check it out digitally.

“Let’s Talk About It” Is a guide to watching porn online and using sex toys with extremely graphic depictions of sex.

Is there a theme with these books and what this district wants to teach these children? Let’s see what the district had to say after we showed them the content they were offering to children.

Let’s unpack this statement from Tanya Ruder, Chief Communications Officer. “KUSD staff use selection and deselection guidelines to evaluate the library collection on a regular basis.” That is enough to tell us that these books have been evaluated and are in the schools with full knowledge and support. Gay porn passed the selection process! I’m sure the parents are thrilled.
She continues, “At any point, they can deem titles no longer meet the needs of their school community and process books accordingly”. Now we have a statement that the district staff believe these books actually “meet the needs of their school community” because they have not been removed or processed. Apparently the school thinks it’s a necessity for every community to give kids a guide to joining a gay sex hookup app!
This was so deeply disgusting and disturbing we even got the chance to review the initial deep thoughts from the Superintendent himself. He had forwarded our email with his response to the communications director before she responded to us and she accidentally included his email in her email response to us.

FYI Jeff, “FYI” will never be an excuse to allow books like these in schools. You owe every student and parent an apology, Jeff. They deserve a lot more than this pitiful and irresponsible response. FYI- if you defend giving kids porn, you’re a groomer who doesn’t belong near children. FYI- we’ll be looking into more of this district’s practices because now we know it’s run by sick perverts. FYI.
If you’re reading this and wondering what you can do to help the mission to protect children and get porn removed removed from schools, wonder no more! Below is the relevant contact information for district administration where you can let them know your thoughts on their decision to offer kids porn.
The superintendent can be reached at Follow this link to contact the Board of Education.
It seems every day more groomers are outed. Bad actors are lurking around your children ready to prey on them. That’s why I wrote a book which strengthens the family unit and teaches kids how to spot predator adults who try to tell them to keep secrets from their parents. A very important lesson! Protect your kids today and buy a copy at or on Amazon.
Does your child’s district have pornographic books in their library catalog? Please let us know by emailing