Brothers charged with assaulting Detroit officers say they were assaulted first

Fox 2 News Headlines

My Fox Detroit – by Andrea Isom

DETROIT (WJBK) – After a brawl with the police, two brothers are charged with assaulting officers but they say they’re the real victims and have the proof to prove it: the whole fight was caught on video.
It all started when Tywonn Mitchell, 20, and Naybon Moore, 26, were driving to Grandy’s Coney Island back in May. They say that’s when Detroit police officers began profiling them, tailing their car.

The brothers pulled into the restaurant and the police car backed away, so they thought everything was fine.

But then the officers followed them into the Coney Island, and asked to see their IDs. The brothers asked to know what they had done wrong, (as you can hear in the video), both of them were aware of their rights. One is studying criminal justice and the other is studying law.

That’s when one of the brothers flipped his hands, and it turned into a full-on brawl.

VIDEO: Raw surveillance video of the fight (Warning: Graphic language used)

The brothers were taken into custody. Fast forward three months now, and they are charged with assault and battery on a police officer, obstruction of justice, and resisting arrest.

But they claim, they are the real victims here.

VIDEO: Fox 2’s Andrea Isom talks to one of the brothers involved

Detroit Police Department tells us, when the incident happened the officers admitted they used force and a command level investigation was conducted.

The officers say when they were investigating inside the Coney Island, one of the officers extended his hand and asked one of the brothers to step back, but he slapped the officers hand in return. At that point the police officer responded with force.

The use of force was deemed appropriate and reasonable after intensive review of the video and interviewing the brothers.

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7 thoughts on “Brothers charged with assaulting Detroit officers say they were assaulted first

  1. This is Detroit. Cops cannot take much crap anymore. Babies being murdered, 20 shootings last weekend alone. Poverty, uneducated. The city is a cesspool.

    1. yeah, well from what I’m hearing, the Detroit cops are behind a lot of the crap, and doing a lot of robbing themselves.

      Please don’t defend cops. It makes me want to hack off your head too. We’re being attacked by these bastards across the country, so if you think they’re some kind of heroes or public servants, you’re part of the problem.

    2. And I bet you party at the cop bars too don`t ya Dabone. What, did you rat on someone and think that the cops are your freinds or what. Yea you just stick up for them damned cops Dabone and be like one of them. “Detroit cops can`t take much crap anymore”, WELL BS!, them pitifull cops haven`t even started to see the wrath of hatred come down on them pigs yet. PIG ROAST ANYONE.

      1. 🙂
        Free ham sammich’s for everybody!!
        I for one will pass on roasted long pig.
        I’d ralther have a steak!

    3. Detroit cops are pissed off because they can’t rip anybody off anymore. All the big money dealers have left the city. No more shake downs, no more stealing money from illegal searches etc. Detroit a cesspool you say? your damn right Detroit is a cesspool, cops on the take is a large portion of the reason why.

      It’s amazing these brothers are still alive!

      An honest Detroit cop? about as rare as a honest politician.

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