An American-born businessman wants to raise £1m to stage a bizarre recreation of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York.
Paul Salo, who now lives in Thailand, has said he wants to purchase a ‘Boeing 747’ and smash it into the side of an empty building in the countryside at 500mph.
He describes it as an ‘important project’ to prove conspiracy theories about the terror atrocities ‘once and for all’.
Mr Salo is hoping to crowdfund the event and is selling ‘front-row seats’ to the outlandish spectacle in Thailand for $5000 each (£3,500).
In a video promoting the ‘reconstruction’, he said: “If you doubt anything about 9/11 we want to blast this to smithereens or we want to prove you completely right.

“We’re going to purchase a 747 or equivalent aircraft that’s about to go out of service, we’re going to fill it full of jet fuel, we’re going to purchase a building that’s about to be torn down in the countryside… and we’re going to crash it at 500 miles per hour into that building.
“If there’s just a smoking hole in the building and nothing happens, you pretty much know it was a hoax, right? Cos it’s obvious, right?
“Sure, some people might be upset, but we deserve to find out what happened.”

Mr Salo, who grew up in California, adds that he believes the reconstruction will discover there was “similar physics” which caused the twin towers to collapse.
The terror attacks killed 2,996 people after two Boeing 767 planes hit the towers in New York on September 11, 2001.

Internet conspiracy theorists have long claimed that the World Trade Centre towers would not have crumpled so quickly – and that it was an ‘inside job’.
Theorists suggested that the towers would not have caved inwards, the same way as a controlled demotion.

Michael Moore’s documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 added suspicion after detailing links between former president George Bush’s family, the U.S. Government and the Bin Laden family.
Cult film Loose Change, another 9/11 documentary, claimed that the attacks were planned by U.S. government insiders.
A fool and his cash are easily separated.
“Paul Salo, who now lives in Thailand, has said he wants to purchase a ‘Boeing 747’ and smash it into the side of an empty building in the countryside at 500mph…..He describes it as an ‘important project’ to prove conspiracy theories about the terror atrocities ‘once and for all”.
It’s NOT an important project. It’s a stupid side-show with no scientific merit whatsoever.
First of all. we know that the planes used were not 747s, or 767s, and that fact alone makes this “important project” a waste of time and money from a standpoint of gathering data. Secondly, I doubt that his empty building in the Thailand countryside was constructed anything like the World Trade Center, so what we have here is just another idiot adding another ring to the circus of lies.
As a businessman, I’m sure his riches and his neck are threatened by the truth being widely known, so he’s grasping at this straw of stupidity in the hopes that it might save him from the noose.