Canada has given roughly $9 billion dollars to Ukraine as Justin Trudeau said in this speech.

2 thoughts on “Canada has given roughly $9 billion dollars to Ukraine as Justin Trudeau said in this speech.

  1. Remember how all the history books taught us about very bad dictators, dictators who were border-line insane? Well this one here, though a very bad actor, qualifies as such. You can see the lust for control on his face, but deep down inside he’s really saying, “I want my mommy.” Such an obedient thespian.


  2. Canada became a nation on July 1, 1867. Almost exactly one year later, the US Corporation was formed under the treasonous 14th Ammendment. The Bill of Rights had been established 77 years before that. Lincoln was a railroad lawyer. It was the railroad that tied Canada together from one end of the nation to the other. I believe John A. Mac Donald was a high Mason as well. Anyway, who owns the railroads? We know the people built them, but whether the banks back then were set up in Canada to issue debt free currency or not, the corporation always manages somehow, to swindle the wealth out of the hands of the people, and somehow, it is all legal. That’s because both the US Corporation and the Government of Canada are operated by different factions of the international corporate mafia. All of it in violation of the Bill of Rights. Fast forward to Oct. 3, 2023. F** k Trudeau.

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