Canadian sniper breaks world record for longest confirmed kill shot in history

Independent – by Shehab Khan

A Canadian sniper in Iraq has broken the world record for the longest confirmed kill shot in history.

A member of the elite Special Forces unit, Joint Task Force 2, who has not been named, killed an Isis insurgent from 3,450 metres (2.1 miles) away.   

The shot broke the previous record, held by Craig Harrison, a member of the British armed forces, by almost 1000 metres.

It took just under ten seconds for the bullet to hit the target and was fired from an elevated position.

The distance, the strength of the wind and the curvature of the Earth were all factors the sniper had to take into consideration when firing.

“The shot in question actually disrupted a Daesh [Isis] attack on Iraqi security forces,” a military source told the Globe and Mail.

“Instead of dropping a bomb that could potentially kill civilians in the area, it is a very precise application of force and because it was so far way, the bad guys didn’t have a clue what was happening,” the source added.

The shot has been verified by a video camera and a separate military source was adamant the distance was not an estimate.

“Hard data on this. It isn’t an opinion. It isn’t an approximation. There is a second location with eyes on with all the right equipment to capture exactly what the shot was,” the military source said.


17 thoughts on “Canadian sniper breaks world record for longest confirmed kill shot in history

  1. Prove it otherwise I call BS, I need to know what rifle, cartridge and scope was used before I even consider it as possible. Even if it is as such can that shot be repeated? If it can’t be repeated and the record shot is legitimate luck must be a factor, a sub minute gun will have a grouping measured in feet at that distance, could be more then ten feet, feel free to correct me or add something.

    1. 3,450 meters = 3772.966 yards, so that would be 38 inches x .5 moa which equals 19 inches, now that’s assuming .5 moa stays true out to that distance which is not the case, I suppose its possible, I still say luck factors in unless it can be repeated. If my math is wrong correct me please.

      1. It’s also worth mentioning that a .50 BMG rifle that’s 0.5 MOA at, say, 1000 yards is going to be much less accurate at 3000 yards. Once a supersonic bullet’s speed drops into the subsonic region, it loses some stability and starts showing unpredictable variations in trajectory. So yeah, luck played a big role here.

        1. One could lock a gun in a vice and make a target out of two full sheets of drywall to test the pattern, my guess is the group would be closer to ten feet realistically.

  2. This guy better watch his back
    This EFIO don’t like long range threats they can’t control

    Right Chris ?

    1. Do you mean Chris “Karma Bait” Kyle? I don’t see why the Deep State would want him dead. He was the perfect useful idiot for them: a remorseless killer during his “service,” and a statist patriotard afterward. True believers like him don’t turn on their state masters, so he was always mentally under their control.

      1. All true
        But , he did have a mouth
        And when pushed into a corner what one man knows , could destroy another

        And they can’t have that

  3. How many years did it take for a human to make this shot?

    PURE LUCK! Even a dumb luck city boy like me can figure that one out.

  4. Luck definitely played some role at that range. If you take enough shots at extreme distance, eventually one will find its mark. Skill merely increases the odds.

    Besides, I’m a lot more impressed by the accomplishments of those fighting on the side of a ragtag guerrilla force against a first-world army than by those doing the reverse.

    1. Good point, if one of the groups the government is fighting made a shot like that it would never be reported.

      1. Yeah — or they’d call it a “cowardly attack.” Just like the government calls the use of IEDs “cowardly” but gives medals to drone pilots.

        I often wonder if that sort of mind-blowingly putrid hypocrisy is due to pure stupidity, brainwashing, or other unknown psychological factors.

  5. I did a kill shot today.

    I took a dump with my eyes closed.

    Thank the lord.

    No collateral damage or casualties.

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