Carol Bundy: We don’t need anyone to come to the ranch

MY SWEETHEART AND II hope I didn’t cause too much concern with my last email.
We have had people calling and asking if they need to come to the ranch.

We do not need anyone to come to the ranch.  There is nothing to do here
except work the ranch.  We are not expecting anything to happen here.

We are asking for you to send some letters and emails.  

I am going to ask you to do it again, this time we would like you to
share your opinion on the matter with the State of Nevada and our
county Commissioners and county Sheriffs.

We want them to start acting like a State.

As I mentioned in my previous email the BLM wants do designate a ton of land
in Nevada, including our ranch as an “Area of Critical Environmental Concer”.

A bit more information follows.
Thank you for all of your support.


THEY MUST SAY NO! The County and State represenatives can and must start acting like a State. They must say NO to the Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) and bureaucratic controlled land inside the State. The federal bureacrats are not the guilty party. The responsibility lies with the County and the State officials for allowing these federal agencies to control with unlimited power what is rightfully the States to do.

We must call upon our County and State representatives to take courage and end the unconstitutional bureaucratic control of land and resources within the State. The legal and rightful control of the land belongs to the local people.

It is time for our State and County representative to take control of the land.  It is time that they dispose of the land to the people, open the land up for useful purposes, and protect the preemptive property rights of those in whom they are charged to serve.

“Why stand ye here idle?  Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!”

-Patrick Henry



It is time to  overwhelm The County Commissioners, The State Legislatures, The Governor and The County Sheriff with emails, phone calls and even written letters.

It is very simple , say NO to the bureaucrats and  give access to the people for recreation and use of the resources.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.
– Edmund Burke


Nevada State Assembly
Clark County Commissioners
Clark County Sheriff
Nye County Commissioners
Nye County Sheriff
Lincoln County Commissioners
Lincoln County Sheriff

9 thoughts on “Carol Bundy: We don’t need anyone to come to the ranch

  1. wow lets all beg the master nots to beats us no more
    what happens to all who are told to do this tell ppl to stand down stay away
    they are all dead or rotting in the crowns prisons all
    everything they owned declared abandoned and claimed in the name of the crown all those who hold orifices all cities states counties sherry iffs are crown owned corporations at no time have they ever worked for you except to control and through deciet fraid majic codes take away every thing you own including yourself
    Any/all things registered are FULLY SURRENDERED with consent to the CROWN CORPORATION with NO legal recourse until such things are removed by exposing the INTENT by those who serve the CROWN CORPORATION to commit fraud knowingly/unknowingly. ex: A child that is REGISTERED is CROWN PROPERTY by ignorant consent where the truth of REGISTERING was not brought forth which is the original INTENT by CROWN CORPORATION SERVANT’S OWNERS to have people offer their children unknowingly into slavery of soul, and thus, body.
    registrar your home/land cars trucks children to vote

  2. The militia saved their asses , & fat ass aj gets all the credit . I am all for getting this restoration started , but I would like to know who the Enemy is !

    1. That story that ran last week about the federal government seizing 3.1 million acres of land was a non story that was put out by “Before it News”. It was a non story as far as i can tell. I looked up the Federal registry number and Volume and the only thing it pertained to was fish in New England and Veterans Benefits. Unless i missed something. However if the feds plan on going back to Bunkerville, i do not believe the the Bundy’s will have much say in who can come and who can go! Just my opinion

  3. “We do not need anyone to come to the ranch. There is nothing to do here
    except work the ranch. We are not expecting anything to happen here.

    We are asking for you to send some letters and emails”.

    No disrespect… something smells. First they welcomed on a smaller scale and now when it appears to be balls to the wall they say,” We are asking for you to send some letters and emails”

  4. My Fellow Americans:

    As soon as these a-holes threw the militia that had shown up under the bus,… and especially when they had basically declared that Israeli 5th colunmist scum, Alex Jones had delivered them from certain doom,….. they had proven they are no longer worthy of consideration of any sort, and are in fact Persona-Non-Gratia,… dead meat.

    When the Feds go down there to steal their cattle and land again (…. and they will, as this is far from over…),.. the militia SHOULD show up,…. and declare that they (the feds) can have the Bundy’s land and cattle,… but all the surrounding public land is strictly off limits.

    I have no tolerance for self-centered scum like the Bundies that treated the militia that came there and saved their ass,.. land,.. and cattle,.. with such disdain.

    It is time for the militia to hold the Bundies in disdain,… and when the Feds show up,…. give them directions to the Bundy ranch,…. and simply say to them (the Feds),… “all yours”.

    JD – US Marines – How DARE these idiots treat the Patriots and Milita like that,… “F” them,…. let the Feds take whatever they want from the Bundies,…. and see if old Alex shows up just in the nick time to stop it.


  5. “When the Feds go down there to steal their cattle and land again (…. and they will, as this is far from over…),.. the militia SHOULD show up,…. and declare that they (the feds) can have the Bundy’s land and cattle,… but all the surrounding public land is strictly off limits” Sounds good to me! This time let A.J. stand in there front door.

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