Catherine Austin Fitts – Clintons Addicted to Privilege

Published on Oct 23, 2016 by Greg Hunter

So, what needs to be done to fix the economy? Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts contends, “The big issue in 2017 is how the government is going to get people to pay their taxes if the government is not viewed as legitimate? . . . We have a win/lose relationship between human productivity and labor productivity. If we want to get more labor productivity, and if we want a stronger stock market, then we need to change those models to win/win. The problem is you have folks like the Clintons who only know how to play in the win/lose model. They only know how to slap out government money, and they are deeply corrupt. They are very vested in the current model, and they don’t want to change. They think if you change the model, you are going to have to change to different kinds of people, which is true. You are going to need engineers instead of lawyers. They (Clintons) are not willing to change. They are not willing to bring more transparency to the system. They are basically addicted to privilege. The question is how do we change the leadership? It now appears the leadership is not willing to change without a crisis.”

2 thoughts on “Catherine Austin Fitts – Clintons Addicted to Privilege

  1. “The question is how do we change the leadership?”

    Only one possible answer to THAT question.

    Guns & ammo.

    LOL… # 308 on this article. 😉

    1. Take back the all of the money and assets that are bought and paid for by Americans ($50+ trillion).
      Remove the illusion that these “low-lifes” have money and wealth and many bad things will happen to them naturally. No foreign country will want to or be capable of protecting them (except Israel?) We may be required to do very little, if any, violence to punish them.
      And I’m not talking just the Bush and Clinton types. They, and their underlings, are just the traitorous facilitators. I’m including, no PRIORITIZING, the organized criminal “money changers”. The financial and banking rats who have engineered the theft of American’s wealth. The “usual suspects”.
      Show trials and tossing a few scumbags under the bus will not suffice.
      As CAF says in the video, this can be done the “easy way or the hard way.”
      JD thinks the hard way is the only way.
      He is probably right, but keeping the “easier” option open (trial with asset confiscation and/or imprisonment/execution of all psychopathic traitorous criminals) is a moral and civilized path that should be considered.
      Like most I would prefer that the easy way is chosen by the above criminals. Given the precarious economic and resource problem that currently exists, due to their criminality. The difference in easy vs. hard will be who dies and how many die.

      If these criminals don’t choose the “easy” way, and I doubt they will…Then “Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the Dogs of War.”
      With Patriots and the Militia, not “financial mercenaries” paid by the “usual suspects” as my interpretation of the “Dogs of War”.

      I may be a bit dense but the ‘exact’ meaning of “LOL…# 308 on this article.” (wink) eludes me.

      In general, I try carefully to avoid advocating or inciting violence (unlike Clinton political operatives).
      It plays into the “pre-crime” scenerio currently being pushed by the above criminals and their co-opted enforcers.
      When violence is necessary for individual or group self defense and/or recovery of stolen assets, then no advocation will be required. It is a natural human right.
      “Woof, woof, woof”. (wink)…I’m not good at using emojis.

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