Chemtrail Webs Secret Disclosure, Feb 7, 2016

Published on Feb 7, 2016 by The HAARP Report

This video is the world’s first disclosure, to understand WHY chemtrail webs are being sprayed, HOW the chemwebs are created, and WHERE they are intended to fall.
Please download this slide show, as a free pdf (72 slides, 1.8 Mb).
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We all must do our part, to stop these programs, no matter how small your part might be. Do what you can, even if it is just telling a friend, or sending an email. We are only humans, and can only do so much, but we HAVE to do what we CAN!
Thanks for watching!

3 thoughts on “Chemtrail Webs Secret Disclosure, Feb 7, 2016

  1. I simply don’t have the airtime to watch videos, so I would appreciate it if someone who watches this could give me a synopsis… and your opinion on the credibility of the content.

    1. The claim is that the spraying is being done to reduce ultra-violet light from the sun, and the jet engine produces the perfect conditions for these chemtrail webs to form.

      Then he goes on to detail the harmful effects of these phthlaic by-products of the process on the environment, and pregnant women.

      I don’t know enough chemistry to vouch for the credibility, but I don’t see any motive for deceit, or any signs of it in the narrator.

      1. Interesting. So they’re allegedly composed of the same 3 main ingredients of the majority of chemtrails… aluminum, strontium & barium? Or did that not come up?

        Thanks, JR.

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