Disturbing Video Shows What Public School Looks Like in a Police State as a Cop Beats a Student

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Baltimore, MD — An extremely disturbing video was posted to social media this week showing a Baltimore school cop, whose identity is being protected, treating a student like a punching bag.

In the brief video, the officer is seen throwing punches and kicking the student.  

The assault happened Tuesday at the Reach! Partnership School in Baltimore and both officers in the video have been placed on administrative leave, said Karen Parks, spokeswoman for the Baltimore public school system.

“As a parent of a Baltimore city school student, I was appalled by what I saw,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said of the video. “The behavior that was demonstrated … is certainly something you never want to see. … Certainly not a school officer acting in this way, particularly with a young person.”

Baltimore School Police Chief Marshall Goodwin was also placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation, which is an out of the ordinary move.

“The boy had a right to be at the school where he was an enrolled student,” Lauren Geisser, an attorney for the teen and his parents said. “With respect to refusing to leave the school, the student didn’t want to leave the school where he had a right to attend.”

“I am completely appalled and disappointed by what is depicted in the video,” the school system’s CEO, Gregory Thornton, said in the statement. “Our school police officers are entrusted with ensuring the safety of our students and staff, and I know that most of them take this job seriously while maintaining a high level of professionalism. The behavior in the video is completely unacceptable.”

Recent videos have revealed a myriad of school cops attacking unarmed students. In December, Officer Rigo Valles was cleared of any wrongdoing after grabbing a student by the neck and slamming him to the floor. In October, Richland County Deputy Ben Fields was fired after students recorded him flipping over a girl’s desk and dragging her across the floor. Oklahoma City Master Sgt. Thomas Jaha was charged with assault and battery in October as well, after repeatedly punching a student in the face for not having a hall pass.

In November, prosecutors agreed to dismiss assault charges against Louisville Metro Police Officer Jonathan Hardin for punching a student in the face if the former officer completes anger management classes. Hardin still faces wanton endangerment, official misconduct, and assault charges for choking another student unconscious in a separate incident five days later. In separate incidents earlier this year, school cops have also been caught attacking an autistic boy, body-slamming a child, and raping nearly two dozen students.

This is education in a police state.

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/disturbing-video-shows-public-school-police-state-cop-beats-student/#lB5DuAECQS6ZZf6v.99

6 thoughts on “Disturbing Video Shows What Public School Looks Like in a Police State as a Cop Beats a Student

  1. “The behavior in the video is completely unacceptable.”


    It’s also becoming an everyday occurrence.

    “Recent videos have revealed a myriad of school cops attacking unarmed students.”

    The kids have to be indoctrinated with their ‘goyim’ status. Can’t have them grow up thinking they’re sovereign beings now, can they (the NWO)?

  2. The U. S. Corporation has gone further down the road of tyranny than the former East Germany and the old Soviet Union. In those country’s the people knew they were living in tyranny. In this country the people still mistakenly believe they live in a free country and close their eyes to what is going on around them.

  3. Give discipline back to the parents and teachers and principles. Police need to leave and close their school precincts for good.

    Bring back State approved censorship boards. No, 17 and below should not watch thug/violent stuff.

    Bible and prayer make a good fellowship. We need all the rules brought back to 1945-1955 for students. Earn trust and then you got it…

    1. This is what happens when cops are lo-IQ beasts hired/trained by the ‘jews’
      to bring subjugation and tyranny to the schools.

      I disagree with any and all government sponsored censorship.

      It’s up to parents to do their jobs raising decent people…not the governments in any way shape or form. Parents decide what a kid sees or doesn’t. Parents decide how to discipline their kids.

      Do you really think with all the electronics around (that most parents can’t even understand) censorship will even work? I guess you’re an analog man living in a digital world.

      Today, kids will just bypass any censorship by sharing encrypted files, download films from a russian, chinese, or darknet servers over tor, or just watch it on their friends I-crap. Censorship never worked, and never will…especially government sponsored. Even the authoritarian chinese government can’t do it effectively.

      Bible reading has/is been done in america since its inception and hasn’t stopped the ‘jew’ infestation nor the rise of babylon within its borders.
      Homogeneous christian society is being continually destroyed/fractured every minute of every day in america by the ‘jews’.

      Raising kids needs parental supervision 24/7. How is this possible with single parents working 8-12hr shifts? The way things are going now, kids are taken by the state and raised by the state. Until that stops, parents will never have any real control and nothing will change where the kids are concerned.

      It really boils down to not having a homogenous society with like values.
      And how is that possible when both muslims (pouring into the country) and ‘jews’ allow kiddie dwiddling within their religions?

      “This Baraita supppports Rav, for it teaches that if a man engaged in homosexual intercourse with a child under the age of nine, he is exempt of liability.” -Sanhedrin 54b, Steinsaltz English edition of the Babylonian Talmud.

      And, FFS, the kids are posting porn online of themselves that gets shared all over the planet! (bet the NSA severs are getting full)

      It’s impossible to have societies within societies with different rules for each group. That only works for the ruling class that want everyone at each others throats so they can rule, and steal from behind the scenes.

      And please understand, the real reason for the mass immigration into EU and america is one reason…to soft genocide the white race by race-mixing whitey right out of existence.

      The whites are the ‘jews’ greatest threat. You don’t really expect uneducated middle-easterners or sub-saharan africans to understand the federal reserve ponzi swindle, do you? They just understand ‘free-shit’.
      It’s a win-win for the ‘jews’. They get rid of whitey and gain ignorant wage slaves they can easily control.

      Change can only come from direct action…rebellion/revolution against the system.

      Tell me one time government has ever really returned power to the people unless violently forced to do so?

      The choice is glaringly obvious if the american republic is to be restored.

      Otherwise, it’s full-steam ahead over the abyss.


  4. If a Parent (or anyone else, for that matter) did this, they would be in jail for child abuse. WTF America… “qualified immunity” needs to end immediately.

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