China Says “No Dollars” For New Yuan

SuperStation 95

In a shocking move likely to crush the US economy overnight, China is refusing to make its new gold-backed Yuan, convertible from or to US Dollars.  The new Yuan will be introduced next Tuesday, April 19.

When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to add the Yuan to the basket of world currencies used for Global Reserves and International Trade, they wanted China to make the Yuan more reliable as a currency. Since then, China has almost un-pegged its Yuan from the Dollar, allowing its value to fluctuate on world markets.    

But for years, China has been amassing huge amounts of gold bullion; some have said their appetite for bullion has been “staggering.”  And with a new gold-backed Yuan to be issued next Tuesday, the entire world will have a choice of a new currency to use for international trade:  The old US Dollar which is backed by nothing, or the new Chinese Yuan, which is backed by gold.  Which currency would YOU use?

When this new currency is issued, countries that have been forced to use US Dollars for decades, and have had to keep billions of dollars in their foreign currency reserves, will be free to dump those dollars.  But they won’t be able to dump them to China for the new gold-backed, Yuan!

China has reportedly decided “there can be no conversion of gold-backed Yuan to or from US dollars.”  What China fears is that many countries around the world will want to trade their reserve US dollars  for the new Yuan, leaving China with mountains of worthless US dollars.  China already has several trillion in US dollar reserves and does not want or need more.

If news of this decision by China is correct, then countries around the world may just have to decide whether or not they wish to continue trading with the USA at all?

The upheaval this could cause as early as next week, would be staggering.

5 thoughts on “China Says “No Dollars” For New Yuan

  1. Well you wanted gold-backed currency, and now you’ll have it. The dollar will be garbage, and businesses will demand the yuan.

    And the people who own the gold will rule over you.

    How very fitting that the chose April 19th as the day that China annexes the USA.

    1. What?

      The US didn’t generate [ie: false flag] some form of an attack by China requiring the US to depose their leader???

      1. Nah… they’re partners in this crime. We’re being sold to the Chinks like any other slaves.

        You know the golden rule: “He who owns the gold, makes the rules”. Don’t expect the Chinks to do any favors for round-eyes.

        The only solution to this involves Americans refusing to use the Yuan, but if the TV tells them to use it, you’re pissing against the tide trying to tell them not to…….unless….. a lot more of them wake up, wake up angry, and wake up quickly.

        I think they’ll use the stinkin’ Chink bastards that are already here to import their money.

  2. so does this mean america is the new zimbawue
    shiney new apple only a trillion dollars.
    last minute shopping anyone while your usd still is wanted.

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