Clinton: Immigration Reform ‘Only Way to Keep Our Country Growing’

Former President Bill ClintonCNS News – by Eric Scheiner

Former President Bill Clinton says if U.S. lawmakers realized the economic impact of having the country’s population growth coming to a halt, it would energize immigration reform, “because it’s the only way to keep our country growing.”

Clinton made the comments while discussing immigration reform earlier this month on the America with Jorge Ramos program.  

“I think that we’re trying to pass immigration reform. The country needs it. If – I wish that all these members of Congress who oppose immigration reform, and who feel threatened by it, had been with me on my recent trip to Asia,” Clinton said.

“And they – and Japan and China where they’re worried about the population growth just coming to a halt. And what it’s going to do to them economically,” Clinton continued. “And I think it would give a lot more energy to immigration reform in America. The – we’re going to have to do it, because it’s the only way to keep our country growing. And the sooner we do it, the better.”

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6 thoughts on “Clinton: Immigration Reform ‘Only Way to Keep Our Country Growing’

  1. And by growing they mean more potential tax revenue,
    Is not always better,
    Is not always better either.

  2. By growing I think he means the size of his little Willy for every time he invites an illegal chica into his house when Hillary’s not around.

    I say hang the bastard by his Willy.

  3. Bill’s right.It is the only way to keep their country growing.His hero F.D.R. already stole our gold in 1933 but we survived.It was replaced with fiat paper currency which Nixon immorally and unlawfully de-linked from gold.But we survived.Now Bill and his cronies feel that they need to import socialist foreigners dependent on government,and therefore the taxpayer,to stuff the already rigged ballot boxes to grow their country.Ain’t my country Willie and it ain’t my government.My country has a Constitutional Republic and at the present time no government.Which makes me an anarchist by default,if not by choice.And nobody but horses butts like yourself need your country to grow.

  4. “I wish that all these members of Congress who oppose immigration reform, and who feel threatened by it, had been with me on my recent trip to Asia,” Clinton said.”

    I really wish they could because then they will see what a lying sack of shit you are. Not like they give a care anyways.

    I’ve been to Japan and China and unlike you, I HAVE ACTUALLY LIVED THERE, you snot-nosed piece of shit!

    I know how Asians think and if you think bringing them over here is going to help us grow, then you must love Communism and betraying your country because you just committed treason right then and there.

    And by the way, THEY DON’T THINK LIKE US! That’s why they live in a different country, you dumbass! Stop your one world order/globalism shit. It ain’t working and it will never work even if you accomplish the takeover.

    Like my Chinese colleague said to me when we were teaching together in Qingdao, the Shandong province of China (which I believe he is correct in saying), who happens to be one of the many great grandsons in a long generation line of Confucius himself, “I knew when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan that they were going to fail because you can takeover a country, but you cannot change a nation and the culture of its people”.

    How’s that for your elitist education? Bet they never taught you that in your Illuminati secret society. Not even your wife’s, Grand Dame Mother of Darkness witchcraft can break that power of the people.

    The same goes for here in America. You can try and takeover our country, but you’ll never change our nation, our culture and our people. Try all you want with your ridiculous propaganda and indoctrination bullshit. It didn’t work for Hitler either and it sure as hell ain’t gonna work for America.

    “The – we’re going to have to do it, because it’s the only way to keep our country growing. And the sooner we do it, the better.”

    Again, forcing globalism on people will never work. GET A CLUE! YOU FAILED! YOU LOST! WELCOME TO REAL LIFE! GO HOME, LOSER!!

  5. Mewonders if Willie is giving the o.k.sign in that top photo or just done posing for one to be posted on vigilant citizen which is a site everyone should check out.

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