Cop Throws Family To Ground During Traffic Stop News, Weather


traffic stop in Washington Township, Ohio, ended with a family, including a 14-year-old boy, thrown to the ground.

Aaron Tatkowski came home from spending time with his family Sunday to see his daughter-in-law, Cassandra Meyers, pulled over by Officer Eric Hart for a license plate violation. There was something in the way Hart was speaking to Meyers the made Tatkowski leave his truck and question the officer’s actions. Tatkowski returned to his truck when ordered to do so. What happened next shocked the quiet neighborhood.

“Next thing you know, I’m yanked out of the truck and it made my girlfriend say a few things. He yanked her out of the truck.” Tatkowski told WTOL 11.

Tatkowski says himself, his girlfriend, his daughter-in-law and his 14-year-old son were pulled out of the truck and thrown to the ground by Hart. His two young granddaughters remained in the truck. A concerned neighbor capture video of the encounter. At one point Hart trained a Taser and a handgun on the family, pointing the weapons directly at Tatkowski’s head as he laid on the road next to his son.

Tatkowski says he complied with the officer’s direction. He was arrested and taken to a hospital for injuries to his knee and elbow. Hart was treated at the scene for scratches. The police department stands by Hart’s actions, saying the family was not listening to the officer’s commands.

Full video of arrest below. Warning: contains strong language

2 thoughts on “Cop Throws Family To Ground During Traffic Stop

  1. The time is coming. I will show no mercy. They better get right and get their partners right, because when it starts, they will be considered our enemies. These lunch money cases need to be taught that we will not tolerate this. They dont need to be sued, they need their asses kicked.

    1. You are riht Bulldog except for one thing and that is that a cop is not your freind and because of that they need to be dragged out into the middle of the street and shot like the rabid acting dogs that they are. No questions, no coddling, no excusses, just taken out and shot. These cops knew perfectly well what they were getting into by being a cop and once a cop always a cop so therefore there is no changing. The cops are a part of a criminal gang and must be put down as they will always be on the front line to come and get us all when the shtf.

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