Cops Almost Blind Man With Taser To The Eye During Routine Traffic Stop

Patriot Rising

An Ohio man is fighting an lawsuit against police in Fayette County following an incident that almost left him blinded, as the cops tasered him directly in the eye during a routine traffic stop.

Matthew David Kelly claims that a Sheriff’s deputy and an Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper used excessive force in deploying a taser and stunning Kelly twice, causing him to lose vision in his right eye.  

The lawsuit states that the Sheriff’s deputy had no probable cause, and that the State Trooper did nothing to stop the tasering incident.

Kelly was a passenger in the truck stopped by the cops, asleep at the time when the driver was pulled over and arrested for being under the influence of alcohol.

The video taken from the police dashcam shows Kelly struggling inside the truck and getting caught up in the seat belt as the Highway Patrol Trooper attempts to wake him up.

The Sheriff’s deputy then rushes to the passenger side of the vehicle with a taser drawn. After failing to pull Kelly completely from the vehicle, and leaving him still tangled in the seatbelt, half way out of the truck, the deputy fired the taser which struck Kelly directly in the eye.

The deputy is heard yelling “Get on the ground, get on the ground, now, get on the ground, I’ll do it again, get on the ground.”

With his hands on his head and clearly disorientated, Kelly received another jolt from the taser directly into his eye. The cops then managed to free Kelly from the seatbelt.

The video shows Kelly telling the cops “My eye hurts,” as it becomes swollen shut. Paramedics who later tended to Kelly said that he suffered “near total loss of vision.”

When asked for comments on the incident by local news station 10TV, Fayette County Sheriff Vernon Stanforth said, “Deputy Sines was not reprimanded for these allegations. I thoroughly reviewed the video and believe he acted within policy.”

10TV notes that the deputy has a history of reprimands for unprofessional conduct and failure to perform his duties.

4 thoughts on “Cops Almost Blind Man With Taser To The Eye During Routine Traffic Stop

  1. What the hell is this “policy” they keep referring to – that; “the officer (clearly) . . . acted within policy”
    Where would this “policy” draw the line?? If at all? Does it also allow forcible rape?? amputation?? Snuff films? or just assorted mayhem??
    I mean this wasn’t in New Mexico; where they give roadside rectal exams, was it?

    1. ‘Policy’ is the hidden police state fascism which is directed all the
      way down from obummer and his genital sucker, eric holder. this
      is to gradually ratchet up the fear of the populace to not resist anything a po-lice fed-pig tells you to do.

      this instance shows exactly why you need to be armed, to protect
      yourself from unlawful deadly conduct of insane po-lice and fed-pigs.

  2. The thing to do in these cases is to sue the police officer, the mayor, the city council, or sheriff and county commissioners for failure to train, failure to discipline, failure to supervise and to charge the officer with mayhem. Then turn around and charge the sheriff, the training officer, and the deputy with malfeasance and misfeasance of office. The malfeasance and misfeasance charges have brought down many a bad police official and politician.

  3. They’re too dense yet to understand the concept of being outnumbered tens of thousands to one.

    Once the SHTF, they’ll receive a long overdue education.

    In spades.

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