9 thoughts on “Cops being told to LEAVE – not welcome in their cafe

  1. WOW! CNN COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK twisting everything in the book to make police seem like the good guys and then paying this woman to write a blog saying, “Oh, he’s not just a cop. He’s human being” and then making sure they get the cop saying, “I feel segregated” and only showing a small clip of the store owner saying, “I don’t feel safe and my customers don’t feel safe in the store with them” and quickly switching over to the cop again just as the store owner was about to explain why he and the customers feel unsafe based on what the cops have done in the past. Don’t want the people to know the truth again. Only focus on the woman and the cop’s side of the story. And isn’t it just an amazing coincidence how the woman and the cop just happened to be there at the same time and talking to each other at that same time. Yea, right. I wasn’t born yesterday.

    BIASED REPORTING AT ITS HIGHEST LEVEL FOLKS!! Desperation at its highest from the lowest, slimiest MSM network in the world.

    This cop and the woman look like paid actors. I’m sorry, but NO cop looks this clean cut and acts like a weenie like this guy. He doesn’t even walk like a cop. Furthermore, that woman looks like a journalist paid for by CNN.

    As I said before, occupy and take over the MSM and we can begin to take back and restore our country. Occupy FOX, CNN, MSNBC and your local news stations for starters. Put further pressure on them and make sure the video is on them 24/7, occupy their airwaves live and with no editing delays.

    It’s time we take back our communications!

    1. “Oh, he’s not just a cop. He’s human being”

      Yes, because just like corporations, cops are people too.

      Excuse me while I puke now. BLLEEECHHHH!!!!!

    2. It would creep me out too if a pig was crawling in a place that was habitated by human beings. oink oink bang bang pig roast

      1. Man, after watching this I F**king wanted to grab both the lady and this cop actor through my screen and beat them both to a pulp and then send them gift wrapped back to CNN, with a note attached to them saying, “We the People are human beings, too!”

        This lady said she was writing a blog. Oh no! Look out, store owner. She’s writing a blog. You’re in trouble now. What a joke.

        Funny how CNN never mentioned where that blog was posted. You’d think that would be important info. Oh well, it’s CNN. They usually have a knack for not thinking that far ahead and ruining a script.

        By the way, I can pretend to do fake typing on camera, too and make that same fake determination look on my face. I learned that from my good friend, Robbie Parker.

  2. My heart bleeds. Cops I hate to break it to you but people hate you
    and the backlash only gets worse from here.

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