7 thoughts on “Cough 19 ~ CEO Rats Fleeeing Their Ships En Masse

  1. Of course it’s real, it’s the real flu! This is what happens when propaganda takes hold!

    Jesus H Christ!!! Unbelievable!!!!!

    1. You don’t think there are deaths in Italy and Iran like they are showing? Just wondering if you consider any of the ‘news’ to have truth or all propaganda? I am not sure 100’s die a night with ‘normal’ flu. But, if you are right and this is a huge deception, they have definitely learned they can manipulate the entire world.

      1. There probably ARE people dying in Italy and the rest of the world. Thousands, maybe even tens of thousands. BUT, I’ll bet that the powers that be will NOT pass up the opportunity to add to their DNA database of people here in the US.

        DNA data is big bucks. They’ll offer “free” testing to get the hold outs in the end. Hey, maybe I’m wrong but I’d rather err on the side of paranoia.

      2. Anne, thousands die every day, some by slipping on a banana peel.

        Billions of human beings, yes Anne, many die on a daily basis, with the mobster propagandist, you can turn those everyday normal attrition into the end of the world, heck Anne, they sure got your attention didnt they?

        Do some research on how many humans die daily Anne. Might surprise the heck out of you..

  2. They know something we dont because they are part of the club . Greedy CEO,S dont step down at the same time for no reason.

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