5 thoughts on “Counter Criminal Complaint filed on behalf of Shawna Cox in the Bundy case

  1. 1st off the self styled counter-complaint is NOT notarized. Bad one!
    Not acceptable in court.
    2. She uses the term “TAXPAYER” numerous times to describe their condition. The word “taxpayer” as defined by the IRS is: “A domestic partnership; A domestic corporation;estate or trust” Sorry, but the brainwashing is self-evident in her complaint.

    She definitely needs to amend this asap and include the RICO statutes and Title 18 USC 241 & 242.

    Just a brief overview.

  2. Haha…..everybody wants the names of the trigger pullers who gunned down Finicum. Right here Shawna Cox has listed the names of the communists who ordered the trigger pullers to pull the triggers.
    Communist trigger pullers are a dime a dozen. The communists who issued the orders are “special”. They should be treated “specially”.
    Right there is your list. For those who asked for it.

  3. I remember when I was a kid, my big brother would cheat when we played a board game. I would get all kinds of pissed, of course, and scream, “that’s not fair!”. Just like these federal pieces of shit, he didn’t give a rat’s ass either. She is wasting her time. Laws don’t apply to those with guns. When the dumb asses in this country learn that, they’ll start using their guns rather than their stupidity.

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