Counter Jade Helm

About Counter Jade Helm

Counter Jade Helm, aka CJH, is a training exercise for the people. In response to the military’s multi-state training, called Jade Helm 2015, citizens will participate in an unofficial fashion to practice counter-insurgency, organizational and intelligence gathering and reporting skills.  

CJH is not affiliated with the military’s training exercise.

The objective is not to stop or countermand the military’s training, but to practice our own skills. Anyone can participate. Groups within each state that will play host to the military are being established to streamline the process. Individuals not wishing to be affiliated with a group can also submit information to this website for analysis and publishing.>Vermilion adopts a business or commercial centric visual model, with corporate background shades interwoven with configurable, vibrant or brand colors, allowing for an equilibrium between professionalism and artistic allure.

3 thoughts on “Counter Jade Helm

  1. “Groups within each state that will play host to the military are being established to streamline the process.”

    Should not be exclusive to those states alone.


  2. a random man with a brain like a card catalog steel trap will beat a machine, its not on the ground. its prediction is slower, its slight, and creeps like a puppy biting yor ass, but its there, its just not a spectator, nothing replaces a real body on the ground.

    how many times has things constantly changed, thats the only constant.

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