Couple Tied to Michigan Militia Accused of Stealing for Guns

ABC News

A couple who are both school bus drivers with ties to the Michigan Militia embezzled at least $50,000 from the woman’s mother and used it to buy an arsenal of firearms that included a machine gun and 17,000 rounds of ammunition, authorities say.

Sarah Nick, 32, and her 33-year-old husband, Steven Nick, embezzled the money from Sarah Nick’s 67-year-old mother, who has serious health problems, Genesee County Sheriff Robert Pickell said at a news conference Tuesday at which he displayed the weapons.  

The investigation started in November because of suspicions of possible elder abuse, The Flint Journal ( ) reported. Pickell said authorities got a search warrant for the couple’s Davison Township home and found 30 firearms and the ammunition in a basement bunker.

Investigators also found multiple bulletproof vests, one of which has a patch that said, “We kill for peace.”

The couple were arrested March 27. They were freed on bond and are due back in court in Flint on Thursday for a hearing. They have no lawyers on record with the court who could comment on the allegations and do not have a listed phone number.

Most of the weapons are legal, but one AR-15 assault rifle had an illegally short barrel, Pickell said.

“It’s an issue because they were purchased with stolen money,” Pickell said.

Pickell said the Nicks have ties to the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia. On its website, the group says its goals are “defending against disaster, crime, invasion, terrorism and tyranny.”

Sarah Nick had worked for a company that provides buses for the Flint School District, said district spokeswoman Lisa Ermak. She said the company fired Sarah Nick. Pickell said Steven Nick was a driver for the Davison Community Schools.


Information from: The Flint Journal,

6 thoughts on “Couple Tied to Michigan Militia Accused of Stealing for Guns

  1. “It’s an issue because they were purchased with stolen money,” Pickell said.”

    No, it’s an ‘issue’ because the so-called ‘government’ is determined to take ALL guns away from Americans, at any and all costs.

    One excuse is as good as another as far as you commie scum are concerned! 👿

  2. here we go again with the painting of all Militia members as filth

    If ..big IF .. if these people did what they are accused of .. fine.. but they are innocent until proven otherwise ..and all the cops say they aint all bad so two can play that game

    face it , the feds and local law hate the Militia , and for good reason, they show them up at every chance , are better trained .. and fight for family and liberty , not a pay check and a union pension

    I hope this isnt true .. but it doesnt appear that this was gains for the Militia , these were personal gains so the hit isnt even on the Militia ,, its on these individuals , but you know they had to throw in there that they were members of a militia ..makes for a better story , because it cant stand as well on its own

  3. ABC, mouthpiece for Zionist PsyOps, molding the malleable mushed minds of the American masses.

  4. Isn’t this the same militia that was bashing the Hutaree???
    I remember seeing a fat lard ass on the news, bashing the hutaree militia.

  5. “A couple who are both school bus drivers with ties to the Michigan Militia embezzled at least $50,000 from the woman’s mother and used it to buy an arsenal of firearms that included a machine gun and 17,000 rounds of ammunition, authorities say.”

    I love how they use words like, “arsenal” as though they had an army with them or something. The MSM just loves to use big out of place words that have no relation to what is going on just to make themselves sound good.

    1. Maybe this woman’s mother donated to the cause. You certainly won’t here anything positive in the MSM concerning the Patriot movement or Militias. “Yes, and they also stole candy from a baby and were chewing gum in class!”

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