Cruise ship evacuee awaits results of coronavirus test, faces 14-day quarantine in Omaha, Nebraska

Fox News

Feb. 17, 2020 – 4:35 – Diamond Princess passenger Jeri Seratti-Goldman says her husband came down with a fever on chartered evacuation flight from Japan.

2 thoughts on “Cruise ship evacuee awaits results of coronavirus test, faces 14-day quarantine in Omaha, Nebraska

  1. A Jew and her husband lied about not having the virus so they could get off and then find out that they have it a day or two later.

    Once again, THANKS, JEWS!

    Oh and they want to make it clear that they are “business owners”.

    Well of course they are! No honest Jew would make a living working for someone else. That would just be evil!

    So who owns America, again? THANKS, JEWS!

    1. Yep.
      A couple of self centered jew POS LIARS!
      Don’t give a f**k about anyone else!
      They’re supposedly receiving death threats for it, and I could give a flying f**k!
      Btw, I thought it was a drag queen.
      It probably is….THANKS JEWS!

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