Cuomo administration, Senate GOP agree on 2 changes to NY’s gun control

Dispatch Times

The database that would have supported the background check system for ammunition purchases was never built because the technology for it to operate isn’t available, according to the memo, which was released by Senator James Seward, an Oneonta Republican.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo rammed through the NY SAFE Act after Sandy Hook, hoping that the hastily passed, virtually unread bill would help springboard him towards the 2016 Democrat Presidential nomination.  

Shelving of the data base was memorialized through a memorandum signed by GOP Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan and Jim Malatras, Cuomo’s state operations director. The deal also ends a moratorium on Internet ammunition purchases.

There was also discontent with the politics of the agreement between Cuomo and senate Republicans – it didn’t pass the state legislature and came in the form of a “Memorandum of Understanding”. Polls show the law is supported by most New Yorkers, but it does have its share of opponents, including upstate Republican senators and gun rights groups.

“This is a clear victory for Second Amendment rights in New York”, said Sen.

Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, thanked Senate Republicans for pushing to “partially repeal portions of the SAFE Act”. “I guess we don’t have the toughest gun laws in the country anymore”.

The two provisions that will be changed are both related to ammunition.

Underlying the delay in background checks: the state has yet to develop a database for keeping track of who buys ammunition.

“This simply acknowledges what has been said previously – the ammunition sales database will not be prematurely introduced until the technology is ready and it does not create an undue burden for business owners”.

The database was one of several provisions included in the SAFE Act, a law signed in 2013 shortly after the massacre of 26 people, including 20 children, at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

The deal is a political victory for Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan.

3 thoughts on “Cuomo administration, Senate GOP agree on 2 changes to NY’s gun control

  1. They don’t want to admit that they’re too scared to enforce the law, so they came up with excuses for shelving it.

    The people armed up and said “Molon Labe”
    Te government said “no…. we’re too afraid to actually face the people. We only work behind closed doors, and in front of TV cameras.”

    And this is what happens EVERY TIME the people stand up to the government. The tyrants run away with their tails between their legs, and the local pigs find some little girls to harass instead. (illegal lemonade stand enforcement takes priority when the public stands up to them)

    Can we just get rid of these useless a-holes already? It’s just a matter of us getting off our asses and doing it.

    1. Exactly. Let’s get up off our asses and do it already! The bastards are already on the run and in a panic. Let’s finish the job!

  2. So the bastards create and rush a bill into law without having any way to implement it.

    Gee…didn’t the same thing happened with Obamacare and it’s faulty online website?

    That’s what happens when you rush something through without thinking. That’s the Commie way. “MOVE FORWARD!”

    They were never taught COMMON sense by their mommies growing up in that mommy would always say, “Think BEFORE you do something.”

    They just do it without thinking and hope it works and then wonder why it fails and then they play “pass the ball” and blame their fault on someone else like a coward.

    Like Henry says, “It’s all one big bluff” and this time (as well as many other times before that) it didn’t work.

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