By 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Every single adverse event from the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” represents a wholly unnecessary and totally avoidable tragedy. No matter how brainwashed the pro “vaccine” zealots may be, they are generally incapable of appreciating their active participation in what amounts to a mass ritual bio-suicide on behalf of the democidal state and their corporate partners-in-crime; the truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
Which brings us to one of the most seminal goth-punk-rock bands, and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees: The Cure’s incredibly talented keyboardist Roger O’Donnell has just come down with a “vaccine” induced case of turbo cancer.

Regrettably, Roger was also badly caught up in the PSYOP-19 virtue signal hysteria and wholeheartedly bought into Pfizer’s deadly Modified mRNA EUA scam; to wit

Sadly, Roger did not actually read the real data, nor animal studies that proved without a scintilla of doubt that these “vaccines” could never make it to human trials precisely because they were so lethal to the animals, but such was the potency of the mass formation fear program that the Mockingbird MSM ran on the unsuspecting public, appealing manipulating directly to their kindness and selflessness in order to “save granny.”
Also, Roger mindlessly went along with the whole, “it could have been so much worse without the vaccine” messaging that was deviously floated during the mass “breakout infection” phase post “vaccine” rollout; in other words, when it was irrefutably clear that these “vaccines” were not preventing transmission, nor attenuating symptoms, the powers that be convinced sufficient enough swaths of society to mindlessly repeat those various excuses, such as, “who knows what would have happened without the vaccine.”
Well, yours truly always knew and knows exactly what would have happened if Roger avoided these “vaccines” like the plague that they were and continue to be; that is, he would have not “contracted” COVID (or VAIDS as misdiagnosed as COVID), and he most definitely would not be afflicted with a “rare” form of cancer, which as this Substack has chronicled ad nauseam, is ultimately yet another all too common case of turbo (i.e. aggressive) cancer.

Etc. & etc.
What is most interesting is that Roger reposted Steve Kirsch’s reply to him, which may suggest that perhaps he could be open-minded enough to entertain the possibility that his ailment was in fact caused by the “vaccines” after all.

I replied to Roger as well in the hopes that he considers a protocol that will actually save his life versus going straight back to the “axe murderer” that got him sick in the first place, and their coconspirators in the Medical Industrial Complex that have of late been testing him, and offering him their iatrogenic “treatments.”

The article that I shared with him:
If Roger listens to his oncologists and actually believes their bogus life expectancy predictions, then he will be dead within six months.

Just as Roger was dead wrong about the “vaccines,” his prognosis following these “sci fi immunotherapy” drugs will also more than likely result in his ultimate demise by early next year.
If Roger considers the following protocol, then he may very well go into full remission:
New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol
- Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
- Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.
- Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).
- CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.
- Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram
- Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day
- VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)
Sadly, Roger is not the first nor will he be the last virtue signaling rocker to succumb to the DEATHVAX™.
Here’s hoping the genetically modified “vax” pushers and VAIDS sufferers like Roger finally come to their collective genetically modified senses and take full advantage of the final day of the LABOR DAY SALE by stocking up on lifesaving products that, unlike the “vaccines,” actually save lives.
Please use code LABOR20 for 20% OFF on the Nobel Prize winning Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline, VIR-X and organic full spectrum CBD oil.
Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code LABOR20 in the Use Coupon Code field.
Sale ends tonight, September 1st, 2024.
Please contact the company directly with any product questions:

They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.