Denver-Area Marijuana Dispensaries And Grow Operations Raided By Feds (Video)

Before it’s News – by N.Morgan

Once again, the Feds are ignoring state laws and going after lawful businesses and making sick people suffer needlessly. The states need to start telling the Feds to get the Hell out of their states and allow them to run their state, the citizens vote for it to be run. This is a personal, medical issue, that isn’t the Feds business at all.  



Federal authorities Thursday morning were executing search and seizure warrants at multiple Denver-area medical marijuana facilities, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

The raids are occurring at both medical marijuana dispensaries and at warehouses where pot is grown.

At one raid in Boulder, a pile of seized marijuana lay in the snow like Christmas trees until a front-end loader scooped it up. At the VIP Cannabis dispensary in Denver, broken glass from a shattered front window littered the parking lot while agents hauled boxes of evidence into a U-Haul truck. Police turned customers away.


“The Drug Enforcement Administration, Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations, the Denver Police Department and state and local law enforcement are today executing lawfully obtained search warrants and seizure warrants,” said Jeff Dorschner, spokesman for the DOJ.

“Although we cannot at this time discuss the substance of this pending investigation, the operation under way today comports with the Department’s recent guidance regarding marijuana enforcement matters,” Dorschner said in his e-mailed statement to The Denver Post.

“As this is an on-going investigation, no additional information will be made available,” he said.

3 thoughts on “Denver-Area Marijuana Dispensaries And Grow Operations Raided By Feds (Video)

  1. Yea, state law doesn`t mean anything anymore – and that mean with all laws so why follow laws if they – the fed doesn`t follow the laws. Like I always say ” if the law is not equally and faily applied to all people then there is no law, and that is anarchy”. The fed has their law and the state is supposed to make the state laws and the gd feds should keep their busy body noses out of the state……….. Geez that lady says $35.00 for a 5 gram 1/8?, here in wi. you will pay $60.00 up to $100.00 for a 3.5 gram 1/8 and I cannot justify paying up to $100.00 for a damned 1/8 . Especially for someone like me that actually does use it medically.

    1. Get a good deal at one place here, digger. Two 1/8’s for $65. Close to top shelf stuff, too. 🙂

      (sour diesel last week) 🙂
      Still recovering.

      1. I`m jealous #1. I realy do wish I could partake with you guys but I am financially screwed right now for quite a while 🙁 . I cannot even afford even bunk dirt weed. I would move but I own my place and cannot afford to travel or move but it is getting real tempting, especially when I start thinking of those sub zero temps and nasty wind chills, and it is cold, crappy, and unpredictable weather most of the year here.

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