DHS Stats: Deportations Down, Illegal Immigration Up

BorderPatrol2pngBreitbart – by Tony Lee

Illegal immigration increased while deportations decreased last fiscal year.

According to Department of Homeland Security statistics released over the weekend, the Border Patrol apprehended 485,651 illegal immigrants in fiscal year 2014 compared to 420,789 in fiscal year 2013.

On the other hand, according to the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removed 315,943 illegal immigrants in fiscal year 2014, which was down from 368,644 illegal immigrants deported in fiscal year 2013.  

Fiscal year 2014 started on October 1, 2013 and ended on September 30, 2014, nearly two months before Obama announced his executive amnesty.

Because of the flood of illegal immigrants from Central America, many of whom were lured by Obama’s first unilateral temporary amnesty, “the number of Guatemalan, Honduran, and El Salvadorian removals or returns increased” the last fiscal year while “the number of Mexican nationals that ICE removed or returned decreased.”

“The unprecedented surge of unaccompanied children and families last summer, as well as the increasing number of jurisdictions declining to honor ICE detainers, also impacted DHS enforcement operations,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement. “Notwithstanding these challenges, DHS components have adjusted and continue to successfully secure our borders and protect our communities.”

As Breitbart News noted, there may be fewer deportations this fiscal year because after Obama enacted his temporary amnesty, he declared “that most of the seven million illegal immigrants who do not qualify for executive amnesty are less likely to be deported unless they have committed violent crimes.” Obama told an audience at an immigration event in Nashville that his administration wanted to “retrain, reprioritize, and refocus ICE officials” to not deport illegal immigrants who are not violent criminals.

Sarah Saldana, whom the Senate confirmed last week to head ICE, told Senators that she would implement Obama’s executive amnesty while she leads the agency.



One thought on “DHS Stats: Deportations Down, Illegal Immigration Up

  1. It’s not “immigration” if it’s done illegally, it’s called invasion. Damn PC BS.

    Undocumented euthanasia administration techniques should be administered to said undocumented persons who do not submit and/or subject themselves to immediate southern border migration.

    There. Now we’re even in our legalese joo brand PC speak.

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