Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) previewed gun control during recent days and makes clear he thinks there is “a lot of work to do to make this country a safer place.”
On Monday, Durbin tweeted:
More than 100 Americans die every day from gun violence. This #GVSurvivorsWeek, we recognize survivors of gun violence & remember all those we have lost.
We have a lot of work to do to make this country a safer place. I will do all I can to reduce deadly shootings & save lives.
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) February 1, 2021
Days earlier, on Janary 27, 2021, Durbin tweeted he met with gun control proponents and assured them “reducing gun violence will be a top priority of the Senate Judiciary Committee.”
Durbin’s gun control comments come after Biden ran for the presidency on gun control pledges that included universal background checks, bans “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines, a gun purchase limit of one gun per month, and a repeal of the frivolous lawsuit protections currently in place to shield gun manufacturers.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) responded to Durbin’s gun control pledge by telling the Washington Free Beacon, “Unduly abridging or regulating those rights, especially if it’s through a strictly partisan process, is wrong. I hope, if Senator Durbin chooses to focus on this issue, it will be with a bipartisan, consensus-building approach.”
“Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) responded to Durbin’s gun control pledge by telling the Washington Free Beacon, “Unduly abridging or regulating those rights, especially if it’s through a strictly partisan process, is wrong. [“I hope, if Senator Durbin chooses to focus on this issue, it will be with a bipartisan, consensus-building approach.”]
You criminal Corporate Politicians just don’t get it, do you “Chuck”…. American Nationals, you know, real Human Beings that actually KNOW the Bill of Rights is our supreme Law….and We also KNOW, you and everyone of you are in Direct, total Violation of them along with ALL your enforcers in every agency across the nation.
You can’t have a Consensus to do anything with our rights, including every last one of them….including those that are not enumerated.
You are all guilty ab inicio of Treason, by your actions, words and a whole host of other things too numerous to list.
You are the willing soldiers of the NWO and we KNOW it.
You are taking yourselves to Hades, enjoy the trip. We are free, we shall remain so and even in our own demise our cause and actions are just and mandated.
DTTNWO eternal…
This country would be way safer without
Dick Durban
Maybe we should make a law to get rid of him?
I propose a law that anyone and everyone that try’s any shit against our rights , gets hung by noon that day
Listen up, you Dick, ‘Shall not be infringed, period’, means shall not be infringed, period.
Just give this shit a go and a hundred deaths a day will seem petty.
I know, I know…round up and exile all politicians and their minions and those revolving door lobbyists and anyone else opposed to the Bill of Rights to Antarctica….that’ll make this country safer for sure. And speaking of “round up,” maybe they should be forced to eat the stuff when they can no longer eat each other.