Donald Trump refuses to release NY Times transcript, softens on immigration

CBS News – by Reena Flores

On the Republican debate stage Thursday night, Republican front-runner Donald Trump declared he was “changing” his stance on immigration, and on a separate question, he admitted he talked about immigration during an off-the-record portion of an editorial board discussion with the New York Times in January.

“I am changing it and softening the position” on visas for skilled immigrant workers, Trump said in Detroit. He added that it was because “we need talented people in this country.”  

Previously, as Fox News host Megyn Kelly pointed out, Trump did not support increasing skilled worker visas, saying they “decimate American workers.”

But on Thursday, Trump said “one of the biggest problems we have is people go to the best colleges they go to Harvard, they go to Stanford, they go to Wharton. As soon as they’re finished they get shoved out. They want to stay in this country. They want to stay here desperately. They’re not able to stay here. For that purposes we absolutely have to be able to keep the brain power here in this country.”

When pressed about his shifting positions and whether or not he was playing to American “fantasies” about immigration, Trump responded: “I’m not playing to anybody’s fantasies. I’m playing to the fact that the country’s in trouble.”

Trump was also questioned about an off-the-record interview with the New York Times editorial board in January, first reported by Buzzfeed News.

The conversation with the Times reportedly centered around Trump easing off his strident positions on immigration and building a wall on the U.S-Mexico border.

He answered a question from Megyn Kelly about how much flexibility he’d shown to the Times editorial board on immigration.

“There is always give and take, there is always negotiation,” he said. “Without give and take, you’ll never agree.”

Except on the transcripts. When pressed about releasing the transcripts, Trump refused.

“I think being off the record is a very important thing. I think it’s a very, very powerful thing,” he said. “I will say this: these three gentlemen [his remaining opponents] have gone off the record with reporters many, many times and I think they want to honor it.”

He added, “I have too much respect for that process to say ‘just release everything.'”

6 thoughts on “Donald Trump refuses to release NY Times transcript, softens on immigration

  1. We have talented people in this country. What he meant to say is we need sub-par h1b1s from India to take peoples jobs , do it for less and work longer hours. The fact is most of these people are order takers , not thinkers. You get what you pay for. I won’t even go into the blue color jobs that are taken by those south of the border that don’t give a damn about quality. Everyone is familiar with that story.

  2. Having worded those hotel/casinos for thirty five years I can tell you there are thousands of illegal lawbreakers working in them. I would also bet that Trumps hotels are also filled with illegal law breakers. Trump says, “we need talented people in this country”. I guess US citizens are just too damn stupid to fill all those positions. Beginning to see that Trump is just another wealthy POS trying to be our new slave master and will say and do anything to get it. The new boss will be the same as the old boss.

  3. A lot of people crawled out of the woodwork to support Trump simply because he promised to get the wetbacks out of here, and a lot of them will now be crawling back into the woodwork.

    At least he caved before the election, and he deserves some credit for that. I was expecting him to change his wetback policy after he was in office.

    To any Trump supporters out there, please remember that he’s just another billionaire, and as such, he has a completely different set of values and priorities than the rest of us.

    His money will always be more important to him than this country, or its people. Rich people are ALL like that. They’re rich because money is what’s most important to them.

  4. So, industry needs Orientals and Indians skilled in computer science, programming, etc., who will work for a bowl of fish heads and rice. American college grads: You want to work? Get used to eating fish heads and rice.

    1. See, the problem with the statement there is “skilled”, they are definitely not skilled. Nor do they have any desire to be self learners. I didn’t even finish high school and when I was a junior programmer I was teaching these idiots coming out of college because our fine “higher education” system taught them not a damn thing. It is rare to find them in any technical decision making position such as architect because that takes actual thought and comprehension of what you are doing. They have little of both. In fact if you look into why 90% of it projects are failing these days you are sure to find hordes of sub-par Indian developer implementing the solution. The only thing they are good at is checking the box.

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