‘Doomsday Planes’ Activated After Pres. Trump Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Multiple “Doomsday planes” were tracked flying over America’s east and west coast just half an hour before President Trump revealed on Twitter that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Tim Hogan noticed an E-6B Mercury flying off the east coast shortly after 12 am EST.

He saw another on the west coast a few minutes later.

Hogan said he believes that “Stratcom wants them to be seen.”

Harvard professor Juliette Kayyem chimed in, writing: “30 minutes before Trump’s announcement, the fail safe planes are put into air to deter foreign adversaries. Part of continuity protocols. As I said, we have a plan.”

30 minutes before Trump’s announcement, the fail safe planes are put into air to deter foreign adversaries. Part of continuity protocols. As I said, we have a plan. Amazing. https://t.co/c1NxvBsSfU
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 2, 2020

Without being dramatic, these are the doomsday planes (we should probably change the name) established during Cold War in event of presidential death or illness to deter adversaries. https://t.co/hOf6wMYQZc
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 2, 2020

From the US Air Force:
The E-4 is a militarized version of the Boeing 747-200 and serves as the National Airborne Operations Center for the president, secretary of defense and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was delivered to the Air Force for operational use in December 1974 and assumed alert status from the EC-135J 35 years ago this month. Since then, the aircraft and her Nightwatch team have been continuously ready, serving “hot” alert 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

See the pics and read the rest here: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61774

3 thoughts on “‘Doomsday Planes’ Activated After Pres. Trump Tests Positive For Coronavirus

  1. They needed to tell some subs that are parked deep off the coasts an update. There is always one up there.

  2. Notice how it went from Covid-19 to coronavirus – which just about covers ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING?

    Watching a client’s place. Termite crap. Gas off. To get it back on they’re demanding I wear a mask!? I told them I have NEVER, EVER put one on, and certainly am not going to now.

    What a sh!t show

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