8 thoughts on “Dr.Rashid A Buttar” Use Vaccines The Way They Were Intended not the way they are being used now.”

  1. Nope. How about we don’t introduce toxic crap straight into our bloodstream intravenously at all & instead build up our immune systems naturally. I knew ALL these Youtube doctors were shills! Again, Youtube is an enemy weapon. Anyone still on there should be seen at the very best as useful idiots & at worst enemy agents & shills ACTING like they’re on our side. ALL should definitely be approached with caution when subjecting yourself to any propaganda on there. Propaganda is very sophisticated these days! Be careful & be aware!

    1. Couldn’t disagree more. You tube is full of useful information, we been lied too by everybody else. Don’t be so damn quick to negate you tube, more truth there than anywhere else. Be very careful how you continue on with you tube commentary, because its more useful than you could ever imagine.

      This site doesn’t post garbage, we post information you won’t read anywhere else. I’ve been following this guy close. He’s right on point.

      If you really want garbage, talk to a Jew doctor while laying in a mainstream hospital bed.

      You Tube has been a god send for our people here, yes some bad, but more often good info.

      If you can’t see this guy is telling us good information, then maybe a good Dr. SUESS read might do you some good.

      This guy is a true friend of the common good. If your blind to that, your on the wrong site.

      1. I’m just saying that caution is worth considering Mark. Not everything that looks good IS good that’s all. While this doctor might even be well-meaning he is still selling the idea that there are “good” vaccines & that is something I personally will NEVER accept. I know that we can be very well & fight off disease without that crap. My father was a naturopath/osteopath & my mother was a herbalist for many years & I have seen with my own eyes many people getting their health back on track after being vaccine damaged. Not to mention the large number who never got sick in the first place by following a more natural organic lifestyle. They got into the lifestyle they chose expressly because they hated seeing what jew doctors were doing! I followed Youtube’s “progress” last year & watched as 1000s & 1000s of accounts were suspended & banned for saying much, much less non-pc stuff than what is apparently being said on there now. I have quite a few friends & acquaintances with channels whose entire library of videos was deleted by Youtube with NO WARNING when the content of their videos was very mild compared to what some Youtube “activists” are saying now! I’d really like to think that a lot of what we see on there is bonafide but all I’m saying is we should probably be cautious about who we “trust” on there now because a A LOT of really good honest people have been purged from Youtube (Google) for simply putting the truth on there! I’m certainly not trying to influence anyone’s viewing choice by what I’m saying as it’s up to us individually to decide for ourselves & yes I will still watch YT videos to see what’s being put out. I also don’t think I’m on the wrong site for simply urging caution based on my experience with Youtube & having known people who were booted off there. It’s my personal opinion after evaluating the whole situation & history and you are welcome to accept or refute it, no problem. I hope this clarifies a little why I said what I did & where I was coming from on the subject 🙂

        1. I thought I made it clear, I’m not talking about the traitor who calls himself a doctor. Obviously, he’s a subversive, a three year old can figure that out. I’m talking about the brave soul who made the video.

          Radiation is making people sick, thats obvious, again , so obvious that it hits us all in the face, literally.

          Let’s not dive into the weeds here, this site calls out the traitors, while at the same time , fighting for the reinstatement of our beloved Bill of Rights.

          Anything south of that gets you banned from the site.

          Just as long as I make myself perfectly clear. And with that, give em hell, and keep roasting the great coffee!

      2. I’m talking about the author of the video BTW, everything he talks about is on point. Just so we are on the same page. BUT, yes I agree, anything injected into our body, forced injections, is commie subjugated treason.

        Whoever agrees with it is looking for a rope picnic…

  2. http://stateofthenation.co/?p=10499
    Electrical Engineer Whistleblower Exposes 5G Health Hazards, Explains 5G Propagation Into Every Orifice of the Head
    ‘There are multiple variants of 5G being deployed around the world. 5G in China has the data encoded on a 28 GHz microwave carrier. 5G in Europe is supposed to operate on a 28 GHz carrier. Verizon wants to be like the rest of the world and operate at 28 GHz. The FCC recently auctioned off 37 GHz, 39 GHz and 47 GHz for use in 5G applications. AT&T wants to operate on 39 GHz. T-Mobile has launched their version of 5G on a 400 MHz carrier.’
    ‘ T-Mobile’s 400 MHz 5G has a long wavelength that will penetrate very deep into your body’

    1. Looky here. This shows the current 5G installations. My state is bathed in T-Mobile 5G.
      Been nice knowing you.

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