Ed and Elaine Brown’s New Hampshire 100-acre property for just $250k? Only catch – it could be full of booby-trap explosives

Ed and Elaine Brown and the New Hampshire propertyThe Telegraph – by Josie Ensor

A mansion in picturesque New Hampshire, complete with 100 acres of land, has gone up for auction in the US with a very reasonable $250,000 starting bid.

There is just one catch – the grounds are said to be lined with an undetermined number of explosive booby traps.

The secluded hilltop home in the town of Plainfield once belonged to couple Ed and Elaine Brown, who infamously held off federal agents there to arrest them for tax evasion in a 90-day standoff back in 2007.

The house – which would ordinarily be worth several million dollars – was first put up for sale at a federal court auction in August in order to recoup back taxes, but failed to attract a single bidder.

It is now being offered again, this time with a minimum bid of just $250,000, in an attempt to recoup the back taxes.

The buyer will have to purchase the mansion sight-unseen, however, as federal agents will not even allow tours of the property due to security concerns.

Mr Brown, who worked in pest control, and his wife, who had a dental practice, stopped paying income tax or property tax in 1996, claiming there was no law stating they had to.

In early 2007, a judge convicted the two of hiding $1.9m in income from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) between 1996 and 2003.

But when it came time to turn themselves in following their trial, the couple refused to leave the house. They stockpiled weapons including rifles and pipe bombs, successfully holding off federal agents for 90 days, gaining a rather large following of supporters in the process.

During the standoff, Dan posted no trespassing signs outside his door

The pair told the agents they lined with grounds with explosives and warned them against entering. However they were ultimately captured by undercover US marshals posing as supporters of their cause.

Mr Brown testified in court that explosives in the woods around their home were there to scare intruders, not hurt them. But in a radio interview during the standoff, he said if authorities came “the chief of police in this town, the sheriff, the sheriff himself will die. This is war now, folks.”

The court confirmed that police found a “vast supply of explosives, firearms, and ammunition, including rifles, armor piercing bullets, pipe bombs, and bombs nailed to trees” at the house when it was searched..

Mrs Brown is currently serving 37 years in prison and her husband 35 for crimes relating to both their tax evasion and the subsequent standoff they had with federal agents.


14 thoughts on “Ed and Elaine Brown’s New Hampshire 100-acre property for just $250k? Only catch – it could be full of booby-trap explosives

  1. “…stopped paying income tax or property tax in 1996, claiming there was no law stating they had to.”

    They are correct, there is no law requiring the average person who does not work for the government to pay taxes. However, Irwin Schiff and many others sit in jail because the criminals running this corporate fascist state don’t care about what the reality is. Like virtually every other nation state on the planet today…America is just a mafia gang with a flag. If you don’t pay tribute and protection money, armed thugs will come to take you away and lock you in a cage….or kill you. Personally I’d rather die fighting than live in a cage for the rest of my life.

    1. I read our IRS payments go to the Federal Reserve – a private banking cartel with 51% ownership belonging to the Rothschild…so we the people need to figure out how to stop paying them……we have no representation for one thing…………it’s time for all Americans to buck this horsecrap system of slavery………the USG is a mafia
      Do not Consent

  2. All laws would only be suggestions without the mindless dedication of all those so called good Christian cops willing to steal and kill for the Elite. The State/Government must break all 10 commandments in order to do its business.
    And it is a for profit Corporation.

  3. Jesus,

    35 years in prison? We have elected officials who have done worse, and right now many are eating pheasant under glass, on top of expensive china , while hiding vast wealth in Switzerland.

    1. Thought crossed my mind too Wade. At one point I had the mindset to expatriate and survive elsewhere but sharing and reading what fellow patriots feel here has changed my mind and realize I would be abandoning my country and that is treason. I came into this world kicking, screaming and covered in someone else’s blood, I am leaving the same way. But I am staying til the end and they’re leaving first. OMDB

        1. That is exactly what I came to #1 and realized the buck stops here. It truly is global and it is a fight to the end and so be it. There IS nowhere to go to get away from them and their grimy fingers so might as well cut em off from where we are now! F them!:)

    2. Down wind of too many Nuclear plants and industrial pollution. Not to mention it is very close to many large population centers.

      If it was in Oregon, Northern Cal or the like I would be all in. In fact that is what I am trying to get in this lifetime and why I moved to this wonderful area.
      And do it, mind you, without stepping on anyone’s neck.

      Id love to find 3-20 others to buy land near one another with. 1000+ acres scattered over a 10000+ acre area (better if next to a wild area or park), with a common alliance between the people who want to live their life without being a slave(actual or by executive BS).

  4. except northern california is entering its 4th year of the worst drought on record, and is expected to continue…Lake Oroville is almost dry.

  5. The Browns were railroaded by the judge who would not allow the defense to bring up the legality of the tax laws. The prosecution was, no doubt, well aware that aquitals had been gained in other cases where the lack of a tax law was presented.

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