Eric Frein Case Bumbles Reaches Hat Trick

Sent to us by Big Dan

Published on Nov 11, 2014 by Anthony Antonello

11-11-2014.. As the story of accused costume slayer Eric Frein unfolds, the fumbling, bumbling over zealous law enforcers seem to be doing everything in their power to sabotage their own case. After days of being lead to believe that Eric Frein didn’t have a lawyer, we now find out that he had not 1 but up to 3 possible lawyers within 3 days. The first lawyer, James Swetz, who was hired by the Frein family for a limited time was refused access to Frein on the night of the arrest. Under legal precedent, “the police have no affirmative duty under the Fifth Amendment to notify a person being interviewed that an attorney is seeking to speak with them,” Pike County District Attorney Ray Tonkin, who is seeking the death penalty against Frein, said via email Monday.

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