4 thoughts on “EVIL! Italy’s Bishops Pass Vatican-Backed Rule That Child Molestation Doesn’t Need to Be Recorded!

  1. Bottom line the pope – reguardless of what one it is – is a satanic scum bag. Bottom line period, they are the rot of the earth scum bags

  2. I grew up in Mass. and saw the whole controversy with church here,cardinal law and later cardinal mcormick were awarded for trying to hid the molestation by church clergy on it’s young victims,law got a nice vatican gig.As a victim/survivor of molestation(not by any religious clergy,just a f$%cked up neighbor)do what you can to help victims of such BS,many different paths to healing but help the victims,most victims do not end up being molesters but the majority(seems 85% on average)were victims themselves who perpetuated the insanity/illness/evil.Lets decide to try and stop it in it’s tracks by helping vicims and ,yes,if necc. taking out the molesters,you are doing them a favor releasing them from evil. As for law/mcormick,hope you get taken out and any that are like you.I am not saying that all priests are molesters,but,those who do not speak out/fight are just as evil,hell,perhaps even worse.I came across someone at a party in Boston who defended laws actions,saying for the good of the church,am glad didn’t kill him but came close and am amazed didn’t go to jail,the good thing about having many friends who will lie under oath if necc.,folks,help the victims and we can as a society end this plague for most part,sorry,bit too close to home.

  3. I guess that being the Pope, means never having to say your sorry, let alone admit guilt. To have amassed the ultimate power, whereby the Pope and Queen are above the Law and, untouchable.

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