Eyewitness to Castro Tells Oregon Senate: “Marxism isn’t coming. Marxism is HERE”

martinezThe Daily Sheeple

Imagine fleeing a Communist regime to escape to freedom…and then watching that freedom slip away.

That’s exactly what Manuel Martinez is observing in Oregon.  He eloquently spoke to the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee and told them what they were doing was exactly what he watched happen under the rule of Fidel Castro in Cuba.  

“Marxism is not coming,” Martinez told the committee. “Marxism is HERE. Marxism has been in this country for quite a while, and the politicians allow that, because they are ignorant, or they are part of the plot.”

Martinez was voicing his passionate objection to Senate Bill 1551, which would expand strict background checks even to private sales of guns, criticizing it as a step towards gun control, and eventual confiscation.

“Don’t sell me this. A very powerful man tried to sell me this 50-something years ago, I didn’t buy it. This is Marxism, plain and clear.

They put this dog and pony show saying hey, we are going to protect you. No, what they did was enslave a country. They destroyed a country the same way that this country is going to be destroyed if we continue in this fashion. This is what you’re selling here! [Martinez displayed some Cuban communist magazines]

You are not selling protection. You don’t care if we die or live. This is what you’re selling.

[A round of applause from spectators at this point caused one of the Senators to threaten to clear the room if there was another “outburst”]

…This is what you’re selling: subjugation.”

We must heed the warnings of those who have witnessed this insidious creeping takeover before.  Just as Katie Worthman bore witness to the communist occupation of her native Austria, Martinez saw the rise of Castro’s Cuba. If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

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Contributed by Kimberly Paxton of www.TheDailySheeple.com.

Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York. You can follow Kimberly on Facebook and Twitter.

– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/eyewitness-to-castro-tells-oregon-senate-marxism-isnt-coming-marxism-is-here_022014#sthash.XzDsmyJa.hZrzmBqD.dpuf


4 thoughts on “Eyewitness to Castro Tells Oregon Senate: “Marxism isn’t coming. Marxism is HERE”

  1. Congress doesn’t know how to read anything of truth from the Citizens….it must be a corrupt lie, then they’ll read it! Congress has been defunct since 1933 when FDR dissolved it & instilled a Stalin form of Socialism, both, of which are still in place today. Congress has been acting in name only since!!!!!…….Continue to crusade for the return of our Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth

  2. Good job speak truth to power. I hope the hearings are not a fraud like they proved here in Connecticut, the decision already made.

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