Flights Grounded, Federal Offices Closed Ahead of Storm

ABC News – by Dan Good

The bitter blast is returning – and this time, it will have a companion: snow, which started to fall across the Midwest Tuesday morning and will spread to the Northeast.

Meteorologists expect the storm system to reemerge off the coast of Virginia, blowing into a significant coastal storm for the East Coast – bringing heavy snowfall from Virginia to New England.  

The snow should start falling in most areas between 10 a.m. and noon. Major cities from Richmond, Va., north to Portland, Maine, are forecast to get at least half a foot of snow, with snowfall totals topping a foot in some areas. Areas close to the coastline should expect near-blizzard conditions Tuesday afternoon into the evening.

That storm threat caused the federal government to close offices in the Washington, D.C. area for today. Additionally, nearly 2,000 U.S. flights were cancelled because of the storm by 4:30 a.m.,according to

The worst conditions are expected Tuesday night, when temperatures could fall into the single digits.

Storm relief won’t come soon enough, with Arctic air bringing frigid cold across a bulk of the United States in three waves. Temperatures in the Midwest are expected to dip into the single digits and below zero, while the East Coast should see highs in the teens and low 20s.

The chill shouldn’t be as intense as the sub-zero “polar vortex” from three weeks ago, but temperatures will still be much colder than usual. And the snow isn’t going to help matters.

ABC News’ Max Golembo and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

6 thoughts on “Flights Grounded, Federal Offices Closed Ahead of Storm

  1. Isn`t it great when the fed. govt will close down over something like this cold snowy weather, but you got a low paying factory job and you miss work under worse conditions and you either get a day or so of suspension of layed off because they will say you refused togo to work…. Here in west central Wi.we have -16 below zero with wind chills at minus 25 -35 below zero at 7:30 am this morning and we are expecting more snow this afternoon 2 -4 inches worth . WINTER SUCKS. Any one want to buy my 5 acres I would consider the first $55,000.00 😉

    1. @ diggerdan; This is exactly why I got out of northern Illinois and moved out west many years ago! I live off of the grid 28 miles from the nearest store, in the northern Arizona high country.
      And, the weather was 13 degrees for a low, and 61 degrees for the high yesterday. Sunny and beautiful!
      In addition, here one can open/conceal carry with NO permits needed.
      Come on out here friend!

      1. How much does land go for out there RickE. I am damned tired of these holier than though hippocritical POS around here where I am at now. I am broke except for my place so that is all I got and I would have to buy a vehicleout of that 55 grand too ya know. I am askin` for a lot I know but that is what I got bought and paid for and cannot do anything till my place sells and it will sell by word of mouth, no realators involved. I am seriously concidering a move out of this part of the country when I sell – if it sells.

        1. Hi diggerdan, in my area, fairly close to the town of Seligman, land goes for 20-$30,000 per 40 acres. There’s also 20 acre parcels too, and that’s what I have. I live off of a 10 mile long dirt road, which a few times a year is impassible due to mud.
          I haul my own water and have solar power for electricity-which works awesomely!
          The area is a juniper/pinon pine woods, and is nicely scenic! There’s elk, deer, pronghorn, javelina, bear, porcupine, all around me.

          $55,000 would cover land with a mobile home on it. A 4WD is essential out here though, as I’m at 5,500 ft elevation and there’s snow in the winter and monsoon rain pattern in the summer.

          Wish I could give you more good info, but this communication is not secure, (as you know). Rick

          1. Sounds real nice for sure. Yea most that know me say that I was born at least 200 yr.s too late which seems tobe true IMOHO. Monsoons would be hard todeal with as would be the snow, but I bet it would be a whole lot better than where I am at now. I am kind of getting old to be movieng again but it would be the lesser of two evils for me. I have a lot of thinking to do `cause this climate is too much for me to deal with much more – I must be getting wimpy/pussyfied in my older days living around here, LOL . Yea RickE, I have always wanted to live in the south west. It is beautiful here where i am at now, but it is most of the people here, and the weather that sucks. This part of the countryhas not done anything good for me my whole life and I think that it is time for a change for sure for me to relocate. Gotta sell my place first and get my ex`s name off it – I wish she would get hit by a big mac truck to end her miserable and pitiful life. Would make life more simple and honest for me and others around her I am sure.

  2. Hi Dan, the climate here is actually really nice! In the summer we get anywhere from 7 to 13 inches of rain, depending on the monsoon. The rest of the year, not a whole lot of rain. I barely have to use the evaporative cooler, as it cools off nicely at 5500ft elevation at night.
    In the winter I use the wood stove. No snow yet this winter though. It’s been warm and beautiful Plenty of firewood around here.

    I understand about age issues, as I turn a young 61 this summer! What state do you live in, may I ask?

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