Four new mass graves unearthed in Mexico

Iguala police officers stand guard at an area near clandestine graves at Pueblo ViejoEuroNews

Mexican authorities have found four more mass graves containing charred bodies in the south west of the country where 43 students went missing two weeks ago.

The search for the fugitive mayor of Iguala and his wife is now formally underway, and new arrests were made in the investigation.  

“We have four new detainees whose identities are being confirmed which is why I will not give names yet, but the most important thing is that with this arrest they were able to take us to a place where we found four mass graves, which these detainees said were also where the remains of the murdered students were deposited,” explained Jesus Murillo, Mexico Attorney General.

DNA samples were being taken from the relatives of the missing students in order to make a positive identification.

Thousands demonstrated in the Mexican capital to pressure the government to get to the bottom of the matter, which many believe involved gang members and police.

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4 thoughts on “Four new mass graves unearthed in Mexico

    1. Law Enforcement is the largest street gang in ameriKa,and growing larger and more tyrannical all of the time now. All funded with our tax dollars and now they are getting free military hardware to use on the citizens,what could possibly go wrong here? Southern border wide open with flood of illegal aliens and no telling what else coming across,disease and people getting sick all over the place,and border patrol changing diapers and transporting illegals all over the country,the new normal I suppose!

  1. Great new business venture……. charge wetbacks $2000 each to cross the border, and after you lead them all to a secluded location just throw ’em in a ditch, and go back for another load.

    I have no problem with this, and I hope they find another mass grave filled with wetbacks every 100 yards. It’s not a pretty picture, I’m sure, but it beats the hell out of seeing them cross the border to rob, rape, and pillage the good people who own this country.

    They were on their way here to kill, either quickly through murder, or slowly through economic means, so I’m glad they were killed before they got here. The only good wetback, is a dead wetback, regardless of age, gender, or BS “honor student” status.

    My compliments to whomever killed the bastards, and I hope they rinse and repeat this process several times per week.

    1. Well said, sir. PC was injected into our culture to prevent people from even speaking of what was actually necessary to be DONE to defend ourselves. More horsepower, less horse $#!t

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