Germany: Police, anti-lockdown protesters scuffle in Berlin

May 9, 2020

Protesters scuffled with police as hundreds gathered without permission in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz on Saturday, to protest coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Scuffles can be seen taking place as police use pepper spray and arrested several protesters, after reportedly asking them to leave the site and keep a distance of at least 1.50 metres (4.9 feet) from each other as there were more than 50 people in the square.

More protests took place in the German capital on Saturday, including one outside the Reichstag which saw police temporarily arresting some 30 people.

As of Saturday, Germany has 170,643 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with 7,510 people dying with the virus, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

One thought on “Germany: Police, anti-lockdown protesters scuffle in Berlin

  1. Meanwhile in America protesters carry guns with no mags and put up their hands when cops arrive.
    America. We are pathetic.
    If you want to protest with guns. Be ready to use them.

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