Globalists Conspire To Destroy Ethnic Europe

This is Europa – by Mike Walsh

What do Macron, May, and Merkel have in common? They have no children, in fact, many European political leaders who make decisions affecting Europe’s future are childless. The same is true of Holland’s Mark Rutte, Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni Switzerland’s Simonetta Sommaruga, Sweden’s Stefan Löfven, Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel, Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon.

These globalists are a sinister reflection of an ideological Europe and its lack of will to reproduce and place the family at the center, literally as well as culturally. This disturbing trend threatens to make ours the last viable ethno-European generation. 

The other characteristic shared by the European Union’s barren leaders is their multicultural, globalist policies, complete with open borders, mass immigration, and the European traditional family replaced by an individualistic lifestyle.

Europe’s leaders are products of a dominant feminist culture. Many French citizens who cast their vote for Emmanuel Macron in the recent French presidential election were women. Before the election, 62 percent of female voters said they would back Macron, typical of the foot soldiers of the 1960 and 1970s women’s liberation movement.

A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center shows that the number of young men in the US who want to marry has dropped to the lowest level ever recorded. American author Suzanne Venker claims the pervasive cultural influence of feminism is the cause. “Men explain their lack of desire to marry: women are no longer women”. This attitude from males is part of the reason so many women are childless in this generation”.

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