Hundreds of protesters gathered in a North Dakota town on Sunday to speak out against plans by an American Nazi group to buy up property and take over the local government in an effort to build a bastion against diversity.
About 300 protesters, including some 200 Native Americans from nearby reservations, gathered outside the Leith City Hall where Jeff Schoep, leader of the National Socialist Movement presented his plans for turning the tiny North Dakota town – population 24 – into a segregated place where whites can live among themselves.

According to Schoep, however, the plan for a single-race town in Leith is part of a much broader plan.
“We have to start somewhere,” he told Reuters. “So if we start in small towns and spread out from there, it’s sort of a test ground in that sense, where if we’re able to get off the ground here, then we’re able to get off the ground in other places.”
Members of the Grant County Sheriff’s Department, together with deputies from several nearby counties, were on hand. The North Dakota Highway Patrol also appeared on the scene in riot gear, but no violence was reported, officials said.
However, the demonstrators, some of whom had traveled miles to be in Leith, were vocal in their condemnation of the plan.

Scott Garman of Fargo hollered with the aid of a loudspeaker, “This is not a one-time, one-day thing. We will be here again and again until you are gone. This is where we stop them,” Garman said, according to an article in the Bismarck Tribune.
A veteran took the megaphone to yell, “Creepy Nazis, Ku Kluxers, get the hell out of here!”
Schoep, however, dismissed the accusations, saying he’s not a white supremacist, but a supporter of“white civil rights,” the paper reported.

Meanwhile, town officials are scrambling to offset plans by the Nationalist Socialist Movement, America’s largest neo-Nazi organization, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit civil rights organization that their website says is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry.”
Leith Mayor, Ryan Schock, said local officials were considering the possibility of unincorporating the town and turning it back over to the county in order to thwart the group’s plans.
“This is a small, quiet town,” Schock said. “Families live around here, and it’s a very close-knit community. I really wish it hadn’t gotten to this point.”
‘Pioneer Little Europe’
Dreams of a whites-only town in America, where the percentage of European ethnic whites are on a sharp decline, is the brainchild of Craig Cobb, a white supremacist activist who has grandiose plans for Leith.
For more than a year, Cobb, 61, has been purchasing properties in Leith and inviting like-minded supremacists to move in and lay the groundwork for what has been dubbed “Pioneer Little Europe.”
In a recent interview with KXMB-TV, Cobb said he had received numerous offers to buy up land from people who believe that white people have a right to live among themselves. However, the move towards cultures embracing diversity and multiculturalism has made such an idea highly controversial, he admitted.
“It’s fine for all these other minorities, but not us,” he said in the interview. “If you merely speak about[civil rights for whites], you’re going to be defamed in this country.”
Cobb’s plans were revealed in August after the SPLC published a report revealing his land purchases in Leith, which is located in a county that is 97 percent white.

According to the report, other leading supremacists are also moving to buy property in Leith, including Tom Metzger, leader of the White Aryan Resistance, and Alex Linder, who manages the Vanguard News Network (VNN), an online forum.
Cobb moved into a “ramshackle two-story house without running water, and quickly began buying properties around Leith,” according to the SPLC report. According to county tax records that were first obtained by Hatewatch, the bespectacled neo-Nazi has succeeded in buying up more than a dozen lots – some for as little as a few hundred dollars each from landowners sympathetic to his cause.
Last year, Cobb announced on VNN his plans to build an all-white settlement in North Dakota “post haste.”
“Been waiting quite a few months to spring this. Now is the time,” Cobb wrote then, while touting the advantages of living in Leith. “There is water, electricity, satellite internet via Hughes at $50 per month, satellite TV from at least 3 companies, trailers, 5th wheels, campers legal, car [insurance] as little as $141 for 6 months and most importantly – a surfeit of very good paying jobs in two different cities within normal commutable distances.”

SPLC summarized the motivation behind Cobb’s initiative: “Cobb’s plan in Leith is to build a Pioneer Little Europe, an idea long favored on the racist right as a way to escape what is seen as a multiculturalist agenda at work in larger and more racially diverse cities… Northwestern states including Montana, Idaho, and now North Dakota, have historically been considered appealing places to start because of lack of racial diversity.”
According to the most recent US Census data, 90 percent of the population of North Dakota is white. That figure jumps to 97 percent in Grant County, where Leith is located.
Cobb has tried in the past to build a homeland for whites. In 2006, he moved to the Baltic State of Estonia and started Podblanc, a video-sharing service. The US political system was on a road to ruin, he warned then. “I believe that the Democrat[ic] and Republican criminal syndicates that run the U.S. with international jewry’s [sic] criminal syndicate cannot now be stopped,” he wrote. “Media barrages too much control the minds of White Americans.”
“Go home.” We are home. Go back to Asia.
Since when do we have to justify wanting to
live by ourselves in our own country?
Where was the Liberal outrage when a racist black mayor told an applauding and cheering crowd of fellow black racists that he would do everything his power to keep New Orleans a “Chocolate City”??
Where is the outrage from Liberals and their MSM when the black voters in Jackson Mississippi overwhelmingly voted for and elected the Black Supremacist/Black Revolutionary, Chokwe Lumumba, Mayor?? Mayor Chokwe Lumumba……”Then Lumumba smiled and raised his right hand halfway, just a little above the podium, briefly showing the clenched fist of a Black Power salute. “And I want to say, free the land!” aljazeera america
Where’s the outrage! This ain’t the Republic of New Africa.
I don’t think being tired of diversity, and immigration and dilution of our culture is the same as hate. We are americans and we have a right to choose where we live and who we live with. I am tired of political correctness and diversity crap. When you dilute the culture by telling people they can bring their culture here and not bother adopting the one that is here, then you end up with a bunch of competing norms and no cohesion among the people. This is actually what they want. That is why the basic social unit the family was targeted first.
And if a bunch of people of the same race want to create a town for themselves, what business is it of anyone else? Why do they have to stick their nose in it? Are they just upset they are not invited? Sometimes you are not welcome everywhere, get over it, and go make your own place and invite who you want to be there.
Just my two cents.
Roger that.
What these nazis are trying to do is the same F`n thing the chinese are doing in Detroit and other parts of america, and ya know what it reminds me exactly of what the damned jews are doing. Why doesn`t some rich nazi just go out and buy up a couple of thousand acres and declare it the land of nazism. How about that and that way they can have their own little country/town. I think that the Jews and these nazis are sleeping in the same damned bed IMOO. This is America and we do not need any F`n nazi commie state/town. I do not like the nazis and them damned jews as they all seem to be all about controll and take over. This is supposed to be America and we are about freedom so if these nazis want their town then buy up a couple of thousands of acres and be satisfied, and then live in their commune state then.
If diversity could actually make America better…then by now it would have.
I hate to see a bunch of idiots waving such a beautiful flag around, they have totally corrupted what it stood for. Indians protesting against neo nazis is ironic seeing as how they are the only group of people that is allowed by law to discriminate which they do and I have witnessed it. Cant say much about the white trash, what they want and what they are actually capable of are not going to lead them to an utopian society, plus there is nothing hospitable in north dakota just chosing that state shows the mental prowess they have.
“North Dakota Nazi’s……I hate North Dakota Nazi’s.”
Where are the Blues Brothers to run these guys over?
HaHaHa, good one tammyc. The Blues Brothers. Classic 🙂
The Blues Brothers, great show, one of my favorites. 🙂
During the Civil War the Native American tribes sided with the confederacy. What, now they’re going to side with the communist jews?
Why is it that the communist jew media will never report on La Raza or the Black Panthers but they will come against any White group.