Published on Jan 14, 2015
In Part 2 of the Goy Guide to World History, E. Michael Jones compresses hundreds of pages of his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, into a few words and phrases: the necessity of understanding ‘usury’ and what its elimination would mean; the cultural propensity for the Talmud-Tanach propagandized Jew to mistrust and exploit the Goyim; the subsequent destruction of the Church and the public commons (focusing here on England); the toleration and then triumph of usury; the guilt and cover-up culture of the new ‘owners’ of the Commons; the ‘triumph’ of state socialism (lottery & football mayhem); the inability of the Goy to recognize the Jew (goy blindness) and its affects; the corrosive effects of the loss of trust in our economic and political system. (part 2 of 6)
“The predatory nature of Jewish finance.”
“Is this a democrat issue or republican issue? NO! This is a Jewish problem.” Right on the mark!!
Here is E. Michael Jones’s youtube channel.