Grow Your Own – Seed Starting Under Lights

Published on Mar 23, 2014 by Joe from the Carolinas

Thank you Steve and Lori for the donation of THE SUN.

Liberty Tree Radio listeners requested that I post this video on 3/23/2014.

As you can see, Grow Your Own: The Budding Revolution is an online educational radio program that is designed to spread knowledge about Growing Your Own Food!

Indoor vegetable seed starting operation, including Steve’s donation!

23 thoughts on “Grow Your Own – Seed Starting Under Lights

  1. What caliber?

    Good stuff Joe. Our seeds have sprouted. We have transfered some to the ground. We are done with freezes here. Go alot of plants starting to flower as well. Also, the PH of the rain water is 6.2.

    1. You’re killing me, Bulldog. It must be nice down there in Louisiana.

      My garden is still under three feet of snow, and the ground is frozen 8′ deep. I’m still waking up to sub-zero temps in the morning. (but it’s a nice and warm 16 degrees right now)

      I was thinking of asking Joe if I should bulldoze the snow away and break the ground with a jack-hammer to get a few seeds in now that “spring” is here.

      1. Sorry brother. Think of it this way. In about two months we will be sweating all day and the humidity will be unbareable down here and y’all will be loving spring. 🙂

          1. Agreed, feels like Spring will Never get here.
            (They’ve been killing me, too. LOL)

      2. Don`t get me started JR because it is the same here. It is enough to get a guy to drinking again dang it Not like it hasn`t already with me ya know – and I am ashamed to admit it!!!!!!!!!!

          1. 🙂 🙂 hate to say angel
            My favorite is everclear and water – yea gets the job done quick it sure does

        1. I think we both had enough of snow for one year, at least.

          I’m glad I don’t drink anymore or I’d have gone through BARRELS of vodka this winter.

      3. LOL Bulldog & Jolly Roger =) My thought is to focus on creating raised beds once you thaw out– that wet area on your property should probably be avoided because most garden vegetable plants do not like “wet feet” / roots. Bulldozing the snow away will increase your weed activity =)

    2. .308 brother!

      Regarding PH of rainwater- you’re good. Any rainwater you use to water your plants will not have a negative impact on most vegetable-type soils.. you’re OK for nearly anything you want to grow !

  2. There is a lot of money put out with these lights.
    People realy should go old fashioned ad look into light spectrom like ncandesant light is red light spectrum I believe and florecence is more blue spectrim.

    Do not take my word for it so therefore 🙂 😆 do some study and see for your self about the light spectrum – I had too many head injuries to be perfectly acturct on this subject but I did do some in depth study on it so guys check out light spectrum for your self and save your selves a ton of money instead of running out and buying ahigh buck fancy light sytsem. yea, no foolin study for a bit about the light spectrum and then see about why you should NOT go out and buy these high buck HID and HPS system. It has been my experience that they can and will most likely get ya busted – I know that by example damnit

      1. Thank you Angel. I really did study this since the mid 60`s and now I am older so I know but I do not want to quote my self as I was always a perfectionist back in the day when it came to this kind of stuf so that is why I just say that I had excelent results with studying light spectrum but people should check it out for them selves – instead of just being lazy – and see that they do not need those HPS and MH light systems. Those will cost ya more and will get ya busted like myself and a lot of other innocent people

        1. You’re all right! From my standpoint, due to the nature of the program, I’m not concerned about leo. I’m gardening for victory, and appreciate the donation! I have several friends in the local sheriff’s office that are listeners =)

          You can get by just fine on a warm and cold fluorescent combination.

  3. Just a heads up for ya all that it WAS the indoor marijuana growers from the late 60`s that were responsible for hydroponics and the light systems that are so popular now days. This stuff is nothing new by far and tell ya all it is just a gimmick because it is all being over complicated by people trying to make a buck
    Yes that is a fact that it is the Herb/pot growers that started it all back in the late 60`s.
    They are the ones that started all this light spectrum/hydroponics stuff back in the day.I was there and done that back then and yea the F`n lieing govt. was there too.
    On that note – I learned my lesson so I am gonna shut up on that hard learned lesson.
    Yea I shut up now because I WAS one of those That WAS Betrayed By My Very Trusted Friends Back then, Yea I know about these light spectrums and hydroponics and I sit back and just am smiling to myself looking at people spending all this money of the stuff the companies are selling makeing out like it is all new stuff

    1. I really appreciate where you are coming from, as well as the research you put in years ago. I received it through a donation, it was totally free for me, which wouldn’t have been possible if you hadn’t put in the hard work and early research back then.

      Thank you,
      Joe from the Carolinas

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