Gun Rights vs Political Games

Published on Mar 24, 2014 by Bigshooterist

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This video started out as a simple gun test and the huge amount of snow we had recently received at the test facility made it impossible to get anything meaningful done. Instead it seemed like a good time for a long overdue “Soapbox Rant” about some of the dangerous political games many states are playing with the Second Amendment while the important Federal decisions regarding Individual Rights has never been stronger.

Police are being pitted against Law Abiding Gun Owners and the vast majority don’t want to be there. Politicians are playing fast and loose with laws that infringe with Amendment II and many citizens are not only feeling frustrated, but flat out saying “NO!”. It is going to be an interesting election year and I smell similarities to the 1994 “Republican Revolution” where they learned that being rabidly anti-gun wasn’t a very popular stance to run on and it seems some nOObs in the Congress have a short memory or have not studied history.

No matter where you happen to live, the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights still applies, and there are a LOT of sympathetic people watching very close while some of the states making a mockery of the process see just how far they can push their citizens. Well, it’s becoming clear that citizens are pushing back, and from now until November of 2014 may in fact be a pivotal time in United States history.

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