Hepatitis-A in Southern California – Brain Eating Amoebas in Florida – Prepare

The United states is being inundated with all kinds of major issues, seems like we’re being bombarded by geo-engineered Hurricanes, tropical storms on both coasts and hepatitis -A , brain eating amoebas; God knows what else. It’s easy to become complacent, now is the time to watch your Hygiene, now more than ever. We have millions of people moving around the country traveling from A to B every day, stopping off at rest stops, relieving themselves and are they washing up? If not, you can bet there could be big trouble. Many of these rest stops are dirtier than a hog holding pen, believe me. Many have insufficient water flow coming out of their faucets. I know this from personal experience.  

Have that chlorine bottle handy, put the required measured amounts in dishwater, clean up wash pails and everything else you feel comfortable with. Again, we are being inundated with health issues that we haven’t seen in years. Whether this is a national emergency can be debated, but being prepared is extremely important. Recently, I contracted an infection on one of my fingers, it basically incapacitated me to the point I couldn’t do my job. While this was going on, I reached into my medical bag and pulled out my Fin Flex Forte 500mg, anti bacterial infection pills (an aquarium antibiotic for fish). It took about 8 pills, infection knocked out in 5 days. As a truck driver traveling around the country, washing hands in questionable areas, I got hit bad with this damned infection. I had clipped my nails and nicked myself, infection set in.

Have your medical bag supplied with these anti-bacterials, incredibly important. There is no cure for Hepatitis-A,  the body cures itself but still a good idea to stay as clean as possible, things are getting bad out there, San Diego is now dealing with Hepatitis-A, and Los Angeles is right up the street. The Florida Keys, except Key West has been decimated, no running water, this sets up incredibly dangerous scenarios. They have just let the public back into the Keys flattened by the Hurricane, I ‘m praying they’re watching their Hygiene.

God only knows what the deal is in Houston.

Remember, people are traveling all over the country, possibly spreading this garbage around.

11 thoughts on “Hepatitis-A in Southern California – Brain Eating Amoebas in Florida – Prepare

  1. The geo-engineered storms are a big player, but I believe a bigger problem is how they have literally flooded our land with millions of illegals from third world hell holes. They have no interest in hygiene or assimilating into American life and culture. The sad part? We allowed it.

    1. Yeah, I was going to say something about that. Good thing you did, because it’s the truth, they would never admit to it.

      They don’t give these wet backs health screens, really infuriating. Big time cesspool of filth.

        1. Mary,

          The bill said Irma and Jose act. They could still payout on Irma, and they will.

          H.R.3732 – Emergency Aid to American Survivors of Hurricanes Irma and Jose Overseas Act

          1. I guess what I am getting at is: this is perhaps evidence of foreknowledge as hurricane Jose hasn’t done anything yet…..why didn’t they say Harvey and Irma?

          2. Mary,

            No disrespect, you question is valid as hell. They should have called this stupidity the “American survivors of the hurricane act”.

            Trump’s lawyers carefully worded this thing because of legal issues.

            If Jose doesn’t strike the east coast hard, then they’re off the hook. Only have to worry about the Irma illegal alien survivors. When and if Maria and Lee hit, that’s another bag of worms, they will just update the bill.

            These scum bags had this shit planned years ago. What I want to know is who gets what? The prerequisites must be mind boggling for the American national, the wetback will get the cream.

            Jose could slam New York, New Jersey, depending on the steerage, like I said earlier, it’s like bowling. They can steer and pray, or drive it down our throats, too me it looks like a outerwall hit. Big wind, rain and possibly surge.

            I can tell you this, they don’t want to shit in their own backyard.

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