Hillary Equates Gun Owners With Terrorists, Says They Are “Prone to Violence.”

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton thinks that “gun free zone” signs work, twice claims that modern sporting rifles are “automatic weapons,” and states that owners of the most popular rifle sold in the United States today are a small group “that terrorizes the majority of people.”

The June 17, 2014 interview shows just how out of touch Clinton is with a nation where the majority of people in this country who favor gun rights. Clinton went on to bizarrely claim that those who do not bow to her views on gun control are “prone to violence.”

Gun owners in general, and concealed carry permit holders in specific, are far more law abiding than the average citizen.

Clinton is presently the one of two formally declared Democrats running for the Presidency in 2016. Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders threw his hat into the ring this morning.


12 thoughts on “Hillary Equates Gun Owners With Terrorists, Says They Are “Prone to Violence.”

  1. Hillary Equates Gun Owners With Terrorists, Says They Are “Prone to Violence.”

    People without guns sending people with guns to do their work for them are far more dangerous than a person who own a gun.

  2. Continues her trend of living in her own selective reality, unrelated to the rest of what is true. She is a dangerous person. God help us if she becomes our fearless leader.

  3. Portrait of a tyrant and a sociopath. Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous type of psychopath also because like Lenin, or Stalin she wouldn’t be getting her hands dirty exterminated free Americans. She would send uniformed thugs to do it for her just as her Bolshevik fellow travelers did in Russia.

    Would this MONSTER do such things as round up whole populations and butcher them?

    In a cold minute.

    1. I couldn’t even watch that whole video for fear of puking on my computer. Every single word, statistic, and opinion that came out of that crazy old murderous hags mouth was a lie. Obama better watch out. That old bitch is even a better liar than he is. If, God forbid, she gets elected President, there’s no choice but revolution.

  4. …with automatic weapons….

    what automatic weapons ????

    …and where do i get mine ?

    BOOT HILL-ary 2016

    USA – RIP

    …be safe….BA.

  5. Like Vince Foster.
    He had a gun.
    Shot himself, twice to in the back of the head.

  6. oops, this woman is quite CRAZY. She is not acquainted with the second article of the Bill of Rigts.

  7. The she creature is quite mad …….as is all socialist minded filth.
    It’s an obvious fact that creatures like her are insane.

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