15 thoughts on “Hollywood Studio Busted Producing ISIS Videos

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good post, Jim. See how long it stays up! Someone please quick save or download this. Any audio? Didn’t hear it and not sure if it’s me or the video.

  2. Here it is synced up to national tv news video…


    Remember this is only a few minutes of filming, they must of did many takes and spliced them together with the green screen of the desert, so what was on national tv isn’t exact but very close.

  3. Who would have thunk this is all staged?
    Send it to fox and cnn and wait for results to be shown to the public

  4. Them chumps at any network tv won’t air truth. It would hurt them way too much. Expose themselves? They ain’t flashers, exhibitionists or otherwise going to display anything they can’t use manipulatorily. I made that word up, myself i did.
    The levels of rabbit-hole are many and varied, scary i am sure. All i have read regarding the dot connecting through money, vatican sacrificial rituals, archon enslavement, sexual gratification… the deceit is constant. That must explain why everything here and now is upside down and backwards. They can’t keep their evil balanced, there has gotten to be too many of them to sustain without it running rampant. Rampant it has become. They have a difficult time staging plots and carrying them out, too many individuals watching and being aware. The false flags wave with blood in a chemtrailed atmosphere.

  5. Thanks to whomever shot the video and publicized it. Things like this are important to winning the propaganda war.

  6. The whole world scene is one staged event after another until they get the result they want. Death tolls to them are inconsequential.

  7. Hey the black bag party starts on wednesday, we’ll see if the missing persons reports start to make the MSM, watch your six.

  8. One can only guess what psychopaths have up their sleeve. I suspect the non-reporting by the MSM will be quite obvious. It could be they’re going to stop the charade and forcibly abolish Constitution the Bill of Rights and usher in a “New World Order”. That is their goal after all. Just be ready for any contingency that may arise as best you can.

  9. This video was stolen from one of John McCains entourage during a visit to Kiev via his/her phone. That person was even digitally mocked and told to never have compromising data on their phone if they are visiting the Ukraine in the future….

    It doesn’t really matter anyways, if you do not know that everything on the Jewtube is a lie and is there only to psychologically steer the idiots and soccer moms, you are a special kind of stupid. It’s the same truth as voting, if it actually did anything it would be illegal.

  10. Martial Law in 3 days some say. They’ve been moving equipment at a good clip in the last year, it’s been noticeable and obvious. The MSM is excluded from the “drill”. What are they attempting to hide?

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