Home Depot homeless camp drone view

Published on Jul 21, 2019

This is one of the City of Oakland many homeless camps.The rent price for a home is between $2000 and $4000 and up! If you can find one?A lot of these people get Goverment Assistance but it is not enough for rent and food so this is what you get??? Do you have and ideas on what California should do????????WWJD?

11 thoughts on “Home Depot homeless camp drone view

  1. Move to a different area, find a different job. Nothing says it’s your right to live beyond your means because you like the area.

    Why would you choose to live like this when you can go to another state find a job and house which you can afford… oh wait you like the sun and the handouts…

    I used to live in big city they wanted social housing in most expensive downtown area where tiny apt 600 sqft where approaching 750k

    Why should a non working benifit receiving person get housing in posh area that those who have to pay for thier existence can not afford and have to travel for hours in public transit to get to work each day?

    1. Why should the housing INDUSTRY incorporated be allowed to form housing syndicates and drive an American national from anywhere he or she chooses to be?
      Why should a two generations of Americans who did not reproduce their numbers not be able to live wherever they damn well please?
      Why should the richest people on planet Earth (the American nationals) be priced out of any f-king place by foreigners pouring into our country using the wealth they stole from us?
      Social classes exist in socialism and it seems like the ones who cooperate with the f-king treason, no matter how ignorant or inept they are, end up at the top.
      Until that 14th Amendment is gone and we find out how everybody got what they got, I think I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one.

      1. not to be critical of the video maker but neither he nor Namelus here, appear to have a single clue as to WHY these people are there. drugs, alcohol.. CARS!!! homeless drug addicts don’t have cars and RV’S!! this isn’t degenerate criminals these are the victims of the degenerate criminals! godamighty this pisses me off! oh and leaving?? how far you gonna get on a tank a gas? no guarantee there’s a job/house waiting on you when you hit ‘E’!!

    2. Realestate speculation has ruined it for the American National, by way of rents going through the roof from the normal process and mechanics of the speculation con. American Nationals are forced to live like animals because of some piece of shit Joo speculator.

      When your allowed to sell and resell property as you please, our people get hurt, so some piece of shit can make bank.

      Why should our people have to suffer when all they want is what these Joo ass scumbags want, a happy life and a roof in a nice place.

      Tell the pieces of shit who acquire their mammon illegally to get the fck out and make room, simple really. These big money scum bags are pitiful examples of human beings anyway, pedophiles and rapists with stuff called money.

      Fk them, and anybody else who kisses their ass. Our people have a right to be happy, ANYWHERE IN AMERICA, JUST LIKE THE JOO MAFIA.

      Money cannot be the deciding factor, that is WHY THIS SITE EXISTS!

      The money was acquired illegally in the first goddamn place.

      Some American National family has lived somewhere for hundreds of years, then some toilet bug with money slithers around and forces them out,


  2. On the homeless… Years ago, I used to pass them in NY City, in winter, with ice on the ground, living on and in cardboard, their fires for survival in their oil barrel drums. And regarding them I would think to myself, “Jesus Christ, go south where it’s warmer!!”

    Later I realized (already mentioned in the strong comments above) how presumptuous that was of me. I was choosing for them where they should live. For some, where they are might be their homeland and they likely have attachments to places and people. Others may have opportunities and commitments in the area. Still some others may not have the wherewithal/resources to pick up and start over.

    it was a big lesson and put me more in touch with some of the challenges of homelessness. Many of us are in compassion fatigue because there are so many issues tugging at us, but it’s not hard for me to see what can happen to the other can happen to me. Thank goodness for so much determinism here at The Trenches, determinism to set things right and with a clear plan to do so. Thank goodness.


      1. Thanks, Angel. Powerful song. I wait for that one day when things are set right. Might not see it my lifetime. Gotta watch for little moments that are right. They help make it through.


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