House Passes Ban on Drone Strikes Against US Citizens

Activist Post

An amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014 that will ban drone strikes against American citizens passed in the House on Friday.

However, the amendment does contain an exception for Americans “actively engaged in combat against the United States”.  

Below is the full amendment:


(a) PROHIBITION.—The Department of Defense may not use a drone to kill a citizen of the United States.
(b) EXCEPTION.—The prohibition under subsection shall not apply to an individual who is actively engaged in combat against the United States.
(c) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term ‘‘drone’’ means an unmanned aircraft (as defined in section 331 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (49 U.S.C. 40101 note)).

The 2014 NDAA now heads to the Senate.

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12 thoughts on “House Passes Ban on Drone Strikes Against US Citizens

  1. Headline would more accurately read:
    “House Passes Ban on Drone Strikes Against US Congressmen”

    …but it won’t help them, because they ARE a likely target of the next false flag event.

  2. Wait a seccond,……

    We need a LAW to say this gov’t shouldn’t murder its own citizens???

    Does anyone see the problem here?

    JD – US Marines – Does anyone actually think it will make any difference? This criminal gov’t ALREADY ignores every other law,… so why would they not simply ignore this one? (Answer: They simply will igonre it)

    1. I see it for sure a real problem..Turn aginest the people of this United States of America is a trator of the peoples Consutition and the Bill of Rights we the people do not need an other worthless law againest the people ..Remember too stand an fight for the RIGHT for if the right falls all falls..

    2. Right. With these f’ers, once you start thinking about the unthinkable, the unthinkable becomes inevitable.

      Not to mention, collateral damage. This is war zone stuff…so what the f’ do they mean by, “actively engaged in combat”?

    3. “We need a LAW to say this gov’t shouldn’t murder its own citizens???”

      HAHAHA!!!! Insanity abounds, JD!

  3. since when do they adhere to their own laws
    remember when houses just all of a sudden blew up
    notice how it stopped after people such as myself pointed it out
    now fertilizer plants exploding going up in flames. can you say sabotage
    too many coincidences to all just be coincidental and you know what they say…
    am i on the list? of course i am. just being native american places me at the top

    1. If you use firefox for your browsing you need an addon called noscript and it will manage those types of things for you. The green links are served up by a thing called infolinks which can be blocked with noscript.
      If you need any assistance give me a holler.

  4. To carry the scenario of domestic drone strikes further, you might want to check out Drone Wars: The Beginning, New novel that shows how citizens might fight back against a rogue government using drones against them.

  5. I called the white house with a list of my complaints…one being drones. I was told to keep it short ..hehehe. true story~

  6. Today USA bombs ‘rest of the world’, but tomorrow rest of the world will be bombs USA. Drones a re just airborne bombs, pure gov terrorism

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