How To Subjugate A World Seemingly Overnight – Cower In Place – We Simply Can’t Allow It

What has transpired in the last 30 days has amounted to a complete shutdown of our everyday life. We can’t even go out and sit down someplace to congregate. If you want to meet up with somebody, how are you going to do it? No place to even hang out, everything is closed. 

I don’t understand how punks such as a California Communist Governor, or a pencil neck billionaire from Microsoft can have so much power over us. Telling us what we can and cannot do, seemingly even overriding our weak ass president. Trump is hiding in case you haven’t noticed.

People all over the world are becoming restless. Nobody has their God given freedoms anymore. Everybody is being told to cower in place.

Now they want to test by force with a test regimen that is obviously rigged, because what we are talking about is the goddamned flu, Bill Gates wants you to believe it’s the plaque!

If we don’t make a stand now, we are useless as a people, completely subjugated as we cower. This has all happened in the last 30 days, or less, the whole world has fallen for this garbage.

7 thoughts on “How To Subjugate A World Seemingly Overnight – Cower In Place – We Simply Can’t Allow It

  1. Thank you, Mark. This guy has a few questions:

    “Do you sense the shift in mood these last few days? The move from compliance to defiance? The anger at the media’s over-hyping of death? The censorship of viable treatments? The discrediting of the ‘experts’ and their models? The rejection of false saviours with nefarious agendas?”
    — Martin Geddes

    I sense it, Martin. Big time.


  2. Mark, this is a great and important sentence you wrote:

    “If we don’t make a stand now, we are useless as a people, completely subjugated as we cower.”

    It needs to go viral. Perfectly sums up the threshold we are at.

    Thank you!!


    1. I’m one of the lucky ones Galen, I get to at least move around, I get to have a job, get out of the cell block and live.

      How much longer depends on how much longer these pathetic pieces of shit allow the masses to eat, wipe their ass and put clothes on.

      Really hope your handling things alright Galen, you’ve got a bunch of strong people all around you here, re think your situation, make sure your not compromising your alternatives, I mean your living on a rock, just sayin…

      Paradise is only paradise as long as your in control. Saying that I’m not concerned would be lying.

      I think about your safety alot, pretty far from the mainland in times like this.

      I’m all over the country. Anything you need or need info on, we (I) are here for you.

      Things are going to get bad Galen..

  3. Jus’ listened to Trump’s (corporate) News Briefing. Testing, testing, testing!! Seemed to be the theme of the day. Now they have better, easier tests. Walmart, et al, assisting in all the ways they can to make sure the new, easier tests are soon done by the millions. Was on edge of my seat waiting to hear the word “mandatory.” Didn’t happen. But hey, Trump assured that stock market is doing great today, and will be a bonanza by the 4th quarter. Blamed China for covid. Says Kim Jong Un is his friend and alluded to him being alive. Blew his own horn in more ways than one. I’m sure the homeless appreciate all he’s done for the economy.


    1. Forgot to mention that Pence said that opening the economy is all about getting the mass testing done.

      Not in MY nose!!


  4. Mark, thank you for caring, and I do appreciate the support in The Trench. You made me feel like you have my back. And I will do what I can to have yours. Yeah, ugly approaches, and like anywhere else, “paradise” has its problems, for without freedom, it can’t be paradise. But rest assured Gramps and Granny know how to aim. Mark, your soul is so generous and I am grateful to have been touched by it. Will keep on keepin’ on. Ready, aim…



  5. It will be real easy as long as the banana peel shine is near by John. One jug of that and your laughs will be forth coming.

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