ICE drops off almost 200 more migrants in El Paso

CBS News

One-hundred-eighty-six more migrants were released in downtown El Paso, Texas by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Christmas Day, reports the CBS affiliate there, KDBC-TV. That came after approximately 400 were released in the southwest Texas city in the two days before Christmas.

Democratic Congressman Beto O’Rourke, who represents El Paso, said he’d been told some 500 more would be released there Wednesday.  

Local nonprofit groups told the station the key difference Tuesday was that they were notified in advance by ICE of the mass release, something the groups and O’Rourke said didn’t happen previously.

As a result, the nonprofits were a bit more prepared for the large influx.

“They’re coming from immigration cells so they’re coming hungry, they’re coming thirsty, most haven’t bathed in a long time. The situation is really difficult for them,” said Dylan Corbett, executive director of the Hope Border Institute.

ICE said in a statement earlier this week the mass releases were designed to ensure families weren’t held longer than it’s allowed to detain them, and blamed “decades of inaction by Congress” that resulted in the government being “severely constrained in its ability to detain and promptly remove families with no legal basis to remain in the U.S.”

The immigrants released Tuesday by ICE were dropped off at a downtown El Paso bus station. Then, they were led by volunteers to a makeshift headquarters at Rock House Cafe and Gallery, a block away.

“This is what it is to give, this is what it is to receive people into your home and cherish time with other people,” said Michael Patino, owner of the facility.

“We made something for (the migrants) for breakfast. We went to buy some bread and my sister went to her closet to look for things that we could give away. We are here to give what we have,” Michelle Sanchez said.

Sanchez, an immigrant herself, told KDBC it was her duty to give back, saying, “If you can do something for the people, if you can give something for the people just do it. That’s what we do and that’s what we’re trying to do here,” Sanchez said.

One of thle migrants said, “It’s unreal, like a dream. They gave us clothes, food, everything. I really didn’t expect this, thank you so much.”

O’Rourke said about 500 migrants are expected to be released Wednesday.

After waiting at the café, the migrants were taken to local shelters in city buses.

5 thoughts on “ICE drops off almost 200 more migrants in El Paso

  1. All these illegals are going down with the rest of us when this economy eats dirt, and boy the mayhem that will ensue.

  2. Well, the bears have either left or gone into hibernation. So, if you all leave El Paso and come out here to my neck of the woods, watch out for mountain lions. Big cats do NOT hibernate!

  3. I’m gonna look at the brightside….

    They could have dropped them off at a Wal-Mart parking lot .

    With pre filled job applications.

    Written in Chinese.

  4. Once again, the border is just minutes away. Why stop at El Paso. How hard is to drop them off across the border? Now they are just toying with us. F&$king treasonous bastards!!

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