BOISE, Idaho — A man who had been asked to leave an apartment complex in Boise returned the next day and stabbed children celebrating a 3-year-old girl’s birthday, authorities said Sunday. Six children, ages four to 12, were injured in the attack, along with three adults who rushed to their defense. Boise Police Chief William Bones said the victims are alive but some are gravely injured.
A resident of the apartment complex where the stabbing took place had allowed 30-year-old Timmy Kinner to stay there a short time, but asked him to leave Friday because of his behavior, Bones said. Kinner returned Saturday, when the girl was having her party a few doors down from where he had stayed, according to police.
Kinner, of Los Angeles, was charged with nine counts of aggravated battery and six counts of injury to a child, CBS affiliate KBOI-TV reports.
Esrom Habte, 12, and Fathi Mahamoud, 11, were playing in the grass behind their apartment when the attack began.
“It was kind of scary because we were outside,” Esrom told reporters as his mother looked on. “He was chasing people and stabbing people.”
He said the children saw Kinner “saying bad words and stabbing a grown-up really hard and a lot of times.”
The children ran into an apartment and hid in a closet with other children until police told them it was safe to come out, he said.
The complex houses many resettled refugee families, but Kinner is not a refugee. On Sunday, colorful bouquets rested just outside crime scene tape.
“Our victims are some of the newest members of our community. They’re victims of their past homes who have fled violence from Syria, Iraq and Ethiopia,” Bones said. “This was an attack against those who are most vulnerable — our children.”

Police respond to the scene in Boise.
“This incident is not a representation of our community but a single evil individual who attacked people without provocation that we are aware of at this time,” Bones said during a press conference Saturday night.
Police found stabbing victims both inside the complex and in the parking lot; Kinner was arrested a short distance away.
Bones said the attack resulted in the most victims in a single incident in Boise Police Department history. “As you can imagine, the Wylie Street Apartment and our community is reeling from this attack,” he said.
The apartment complex is just off of one of Boise’s busier streets, separated from the traffic by one of the many irrigation canals that run through the city.
Victim witness coordinators and counselors were being made available to the victims, their families and friends and other residents of the apartment complex, Bones said.
“Our hearts go out to the victims who are in the hospital tonight, please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers,” he said.
Boise Mayor Dave Bieter condemned the attack on Twitter.
the set up for knife confiscation begins…….
A new bill will be presented tomorrow, outlining the confiscation of assault cutlery……………….
Nancy PELOSI says that the ground breaking legislation is crucial in the fight against terrorism……..
What? No assault rifle?
I was saying a few days ago that we might start seeing some mass-shootings and violent acts of this nature that aren’t orchestrated for propaganda reasons, and this may be one of them.
People are pissed, they’re becoming unglued, and in most cases, have no sensible way of venting their anger because they’re thoroughly confused regarding who’s responsible for their troubles.
Of course, we won’t know what happened here until all the facts are uncovered (what medications was he on, any connections to FBI, etc.) and that usually takes a few days, but from what’s written here, it looks to me like this guy had enough of “refugees”.
“…allowed 30-year-old Timmy Kinner to stay there a short time, but asked him to leave Friday because of his behavior….”
I wish they were a bit more specific about what he did that resulted in him being tossed, and what, if any connection it had to the kids at the party a few doors down, but leaving people in the dark about important facts allows them to change their story later. “Journalism” is the art of lying, so they have to leave their options open.
Police Chief Bill AKA “William Bones”.
Stated… Yeah…this is some fkd up sht.
Evidently Kinner had a “bone” to pick over an unsettled grievance.
Mayor Bite er …confirmed that he was getting a paycheck and didn’t give a sht what the police chiefs current issue entailed.
Now back to our regular programming.
Who needs a race war?